On 5 November 2010 01:58, Gabriel de Figueiredo

> Ah! Another G confirming what I had stated aeons ago! :-)  Guess the final
> straw
> was the Naval mutiny in Bombay ...
> COMMENT: It's not all bad; this if courtesy Goan Voice (U.K.)
http://www.goanvoice.org.uk/  :-

*Bishop Agnelo Gracias: Church offers free cruises to warring couples *
4 Nov: Daily News & Analysis. As part of its scheme to save marriages from,
what it sees as, the onslaught of globalisation and media-driven values,
Mumbai’s Catholic Church is offering ‘marriage enrichment’ cards and free
weekend cruises for couples who enrol for its marriage strengthening
courses... Agnelo Gracias, auxiliary bishop of Bombay, says, “Marriages now
face a lot of stress. If couples do not get help at an early stage, it could
lead to a breakdown ...” 499 words.
[Bishop Agnelo Gracias, ex-Mombasa, is the brother of Flavio Gracias, Goan
Association (UK) President]


Gabe Menezes.

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