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Obama calls midterm elections 'humbling,' promises to do better

He acknowledged the 'shellacking' Democrats took in the midterm elections. But 
at his press conference Wednesday, Obama did not back away from policies that 
got him in trouble with voters.



President Barack Obama listens to a question during a news conference in the 
East Room of the White House Wednesday.
Charles Dharapak/APEnlarge 

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By Linda Feldmann, Staff writer / November 3, 2010 
A subdued President Obama acknowledged in a press conference Wednesday 
afternoon the “shellacking” his Democratic Party suffered in Tuesday’s midterm 
elections, and promised to work with the Republicans on a range of issues, 
foremost the economy.Skip to next paragraph 

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Mr. Obama called the election results “humbling.” Indeed, there was no way to 
put a good face on a midterm result in which the Democrats lost at least 60 
seats and control of the House, saw their Senate majority reduced, and lost 10 
governors’ seats.
"Some election nights are more fun than others,” Obama said in understated 
fashion, just two years after his own historic election. “Some are 
exhilarating, some are humbling.”

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While the president stated that he has to work harder at building consensus, he 
did not back away from the very policy choices he made during his first two 
years in office that got him in trouble, namely the big economic stimulus 
package, the auto industry bailout, comprehensive health-care reform, and 
financial regulatory reform.
“If right now we had 5 percent unemployment instead of 9.6 percent 
unemployment, then people would have more confidence in those policy choices,” 
Obama said.
He said he won’t rule out any ideas based on which side of the aisle they come 
from, and that he’s interested only in what works. But the rub comes in 
determining up front what will “work.” The top issue going forward is the 
future of President George W. Bush’s tax cuts, which are set to expire at the 
end of the year. Obama said this has to be addressed during next month’s 
lame-duck session of Congress, but there is still no bipartisan agreement over 
what to do with tax cuts for top earners. Obama wants to let the tax cuts 
expire on the top 2 percent of taxpayers, but Republicans want those cuts to 
continue, especially since some small-business owners would be affected. 
Republicans say any tax increase now will hurt the economic recovery. 
Some analysts have predicted that the next two years will be dominated by 
partisan gridlock, but Obama laid out several areas of potential collaboration. 
On energy, he suggested Democrats and Republicans can work together on how best 
to develop the nation’s natural-gas resources, work on energy efficiency, and 
ensure that electric cars are developed in the United States. He also spoke of 
restarting America’s nuclear industry “as a means of reducing our dependence on 
foreign oil and reducing greenhouse gases.” 
Obama said he saw “potential common ground” on education. 

“I think everybody in this country thinks that we've got to make sure our kids 
are equipped in terms of their education, their science background, their math 
background, to compete in this new global economy,” the president said. 
Obama identified the debt and deficit as another area where “the American 
people are absolutely concerned,” and looked ahead to the release Dec. 1 of the 
recommendations of his bipartisan deficit commission. He said he hoped the 
members will arrive at a consensus on eliminating programs that don’t work, 
cutting back on government spending that is inefficient, and streamlining 
government. But he did not mention entitlements, the growth of which sits at 
the heart of any discussion on the nation’s looming fiscal crisis. 
One reporter asked Obama to reflect on his personal reactions to the midterms, 
starting with what it felt like to see so many people he had campaigned for 
lose – starting with Rep. Tom Perriello (D) of Virginia and Gov. Ted Strickland 
(D) of Ohio. 
“It felt bad,” he said, to laughter. “You know, the toughest thing over the 
last couple of days is seeing really terrific public servants not have the 
opportunity to serve anymore, at least in the short term.”
Obama was also asked if he would change his leadership style, prompting a 
soliloquy on, as Obama put it, the “inherent danger in being in the White House 
and being in the bubble.” He said he would persist in trying to get out and 
engage with average Americans as much as possible. He was not asked to address 
head-on the common complaint that he had failed to communicate adequately the 
content of his initatives – namely, the stimulus and health-care reform – but 
he suggested that even recent predecessors who were great communicators had 
suffered similar fates in their first midterms.
“I think it's important to – to point out as well that, you know, a couple of 
great communicators, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, were standing at this 
podium two years into their presidency, getting very similar questions because, 
you know, the economy wasn't working the way it needed to be,” Obama said. 
It went without saying that both presidents also won reelection. Obama has all 
but said he will run again in 2012. 
There were some light moments in the hour-long session. One reporter brought up 
the frequent campaign line about how the Republicans had “driven the car into 
the ditch” and that the Democrats were working hard to get it out of the ditch. 
At one point during the campaign, Obama had joked about how the Republicans 
were just sitting on the sidelines, sipping Slurpees. 
How about having House Speaker-to-be John Boehner over for a Slurpee? the 
reporter suggested. 
“They’re delicious drinks,” Obama smiled. “The Slurpee summit. That’s good. I 
like that.”
- Forwarded by gaspar almeida, 






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