Citizen Journalism programme gets good response in Goa

Citizens not just from Goa but as far as Delhi, Karnataka and
Tamilnadu have shown enormous enthusiasm for the first citizen
Journalism course which will begin in Goa on November 12.

Speakers from Goa and Mumbai will be part of the three day workshop,
organised jointly by the JM Foundation for Excellence in Journalism
and the Goa Union of Journalists. This is the first of its kind course
on Citizen Journalism, being conducted in India.

The workshop is being held at the Inspectorate of Factories and
Boilers (IFB), Altinho, Panaji and will begin at 8.30 am on November

The Certificate programme will focus on training citizen participants
on understanding news, laws which impact citizen, news gathering
(civic laws, police Laws, consumer laws), right to informaion, press
laws, writing  and technology and issues pertaining to Journalistic

Some  speakers Goa's Senior Superintendent of Police V V Chaudhary,
citizens' issues campaigner Roland Martins,  Goa Union of Journalist
president Prakash Kamat, journalist Aimee Ginsburg, Frederick Noronha,
lawyers  Amit Karkhanis and Jamshed Mistry apart from senior
journalists Aloke Thakore and Shishir Joshi of the JM Foundation.

"We have had an overwhelming response to the workshop and we are
trying to accomodate as many people as possible and had to relax the
last date to enable late entrants to register",  Aloke Thakore of  the
JM Foundation said.

The participation fee is Rs 3000 and Rs 1500 for students. This
includes lunch and tea on all days apart from reading material for the

To allow as many persons to benefit from the course, the organisors
have made arangements for last minute registrations on the morning of
the workshop as  well, if the participants can reach the venue before
8.15 am on November 12. This is to enable regisration formalities and
I D Cards to be given to all participants.

Those who still wish to register may contact senior Journalist Shishir
Joshi on 98209 85853 or email on
Details can also be obtained from

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