Initially congress party was a party of great leaders with appreciating
track records.  Now the party is reduced to one family show. As if there is
only one family in whole of India who can protect and care take India.  

Obama selects bright young Indians as his teammate, but here in India we
have to suffer with below average Rahul Gandi. Folklore of Lilawati
-Kalawati might have got Rahul to some limelight but it can't take him any
further. For, now Indians have started asking question to one another to get
the answer as to 'Who is Rahul Gandi?' and the answers that comes out from
some corners are as follows: 

Rahul is a childish son of an immature father but an off spring of Nehru -
Gandi (no relation to Mahatma Gandhi) dynasty whose track record is well
known to people of India. Take away his family connection; he is a big zero
and yet he enjoys all perks and privileges without any accountability like
mummy Sonia.  He only talks a lot, but is unable to act upon those talks.
Just like his father and his great grandfather, he has got an invisible
'vision' for our India. The biggest question is, if at age 40 Rahul is not
ready when will he be? 

All congressmen by compulsion 'speak high' about Sonia and Rahul. If its
worth high-speaking than name one good thing Sonia and Rahul has done for
India. None. What is the track record of Soni's education? None. Rahul got
admission in Harvard through Hinduja's quota but was shown doors within
three months! Disgraceful. He got admission in St. Stephan through sports
quota. Failure. He said he was in Rolling College in Orlando. But that
college has no record of Rahul being their student! He also says he was in
Cambridge but can not remember the degree course or year of admission. When
in Gujarat, he said terrorism can be wiped out in 15 minutes!   Than he goes
on to say that Gujarat is bigger than U.K. and India is bigger than America
and Europe put together. Poor geography. While speaking at students meeting
in Bihar, he said Gujarat issue needs to be solved before solving India's
issue. At this point, chairs started flying towards him. In Kolkata Rahul
spoke about the developments funds being diverted but preferred not to say a
word about monumental scam of CWG that took place and still taking place
under his own nose in Delhi. 

Staying in a hut, eating pav - wada, travelling by local train etc. are all
cheap publicity stunts. Instead he should answer questions like: 

. Which government granted approval to the Vedanta Alumina Refinery project
in 2004? 
. Which government supported the stand of the Vedanta before the CEC and the
Supreme Court when Supreme Court was hearing the issue of whether mining
should be allowed or not ? 
. Who granted environmental clearance to the mining project of Niyamgiri on
April 28, 2009? 
. Who represented Vedanta and Orissa Mining Corporation (the lease holder
for the mines at Niyamgiri) before the different courts? 
. Which government opposed the Dongria Kondhs when they challenged the
mining project before the NEAA as late as 2009?
. What are the levels of corruptions taking place at CWG? 

He could have shown his will by improving certain things in the Congress
ruled states which by far are the worst run. Instead he chooses to ignore
that completely and prefers to play to the gallery in opposition run states.
Question that popes up is, Is this person fit to run our India with
population of over one billion with such bad track records? 

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