Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa NCP chief tenders resignation - Daily News & Analysis
ily News & AnalysisPlace: Panaji 

*** Fire extinguishers, hydrant system were not operational:
Fire services - Times of India

*** New construction rules from today - Times of India

*** Goa: Influential people interested in hampering Nadia case -
Indian Express
people scuttling Nadia probe: CB to SC

*** Goa forensic lab in 'cold storage' - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Goa's lack of a forensic laboratory and
hence its growing dependence on forensic labs outside the state
has just increased. ...<a class="

*** 'Vanxim locals to be stakeholders in project' - Times of
mes of IndiaAddressing the media at Old Goa, Gaunekar said he
had worked out an agreement with a hotel group to set up this
project in 6.30 lakh sq m of land which he ...<a class="

*** Goa has no ear for Bollywood music - Times of India
anging dos, do not simply connect to Bollywood music. Popular
DJs - just about readying themselves ...<a class="

*** Work on Dharwad-Goa Road begins finally - Times of India
ane ...<a class="

*** Public auction of fishing stake - Times of India
mes of IndiaThe auction will be carried out according to the
Goa, Daman and Diu Fisheries Rules, 1981 and Fisheries Amendment
Rules, 1993. The auction will be for the ...<a class="

*** Goa may lose Russians tourists due to stringent visa rules -
Indian Express
dian ExpressRussian travellers prefer shifting their base out of
Goa due to stringent visa rules in India, which restricts their
vacation here, industry experts here ...<a class="

Compiled by Goanet News Service

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
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