The extract below which is taken from Hind Swaraj para1 of Chp. VII by Mahatama Gandhiji may help throw some light on the present pathetic state of Goa whose culture and economy has been captured by migrants. We have wonderful migrants who are also supported by warped Goan mentalities. They want to enjoy Goa's natural beauty but also curse that it's markets are not like Bangaloroo or Mumbai. They want Kentucky, McDonalds, broad roads, home with view of the sea, pubs, casinos and all the crap in the universe. In the same breath they talk about wanting to Save Goa.

Why was India lost?
READER: You have said much about civilization ? enough to make me ponder over it. I do not now know what I should adopt and what I should avoid from the nations of Europe, but one question comes to my lips immediately. If civilization is a disease and if it has attacked England,
why has she been able to take India, and why is she able to retain it?
EDITOR: Your question is not very difficult to answer, and we shall presently be able to examine the true nature of Swaraj; for I am aware that I have still to answer that question. I will, however, take up your previous question. The English have not taken India; we have given it to them. They are not in India because of their strength, but because we keep them. Let us now see whether these propositions can be sustained. They came to our country originally for purposes of trade. Recall the Company Bahadur. Who made it Bahadur? They had not the slightest intention at the time of establishing a kingdom. Who assisted the Company's officers? Who was tempted at the sight of their silver? Who bought their goods? History testifies that we did all this. In order to become rich all at once we welcomed the Company's officers with open arms. We assisted them. If I am in the habit of drinking bhang and a seller thereof sells it to me, am I to blame him or myself? By blaming the seller shall I be able to avoid the habit? And, if a particular retailer is driven away will not another take his place? A true servant of India will have to go to the root of the matter. If an excess of food has caused me indigestion, I shall certainly not avoid it by blaming water. He is a true physician who probes the cause of disease, and if you pose as a physician for the disease of India, you will have to find out its true cause.

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