Agreed Arwin, our identity is very important to us, but each and every Goan 
must also understand that .  When it comes to selling their property it is not 
the money factor which should be the main attraction.  "Dont sell your soul to 
the devil for money".  For every proud Goan, this beautiful state is our heart 
and soul.  No matter in which part of the world we are  "You can take a Goan 
out of Goa, but you cannot take Goa out of him".
I have a lot of close non-Goan Indian  friends.  All are very interested in 
buying/owning property in Goa but the main reason is only "Exploitation".  
Believe me, these are sharks. They have no feeling for our part of our land, 
our culture or our identity.
Another reason why  They love Goa is because (thanks to the powers that be) it 
is totally indisciplined.  They feel you can do what you like and get away with 
it.  Where can you find a place which is so beautiful and so indisciplined?. 
Bernice Pereira

--- On Mon, 8/11/10, 
<> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1215
Date: Monday, 8 November, 2010, 3:44 AM

Send Goanet mailing list submissions to

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or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Goanet digest..."

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Request to mailing list Goanet rejected (Tony de Sa)
   2. Re: Why double standards? (J. Colaco  < jc>)
   3. Sea cows, buffaloes enliven folklore (Goanet News Service)
   4. Re: Rahul Gandi says there are TWO hindustans! (Gabe Menezes)
   5. Goa's Inquisition (George Pinto)
   6. Goanet Intro. #5 - Arwin Mesquita (Tony de Sa)
   7. Pics and Video ? VANXIM protest Meet- Villain no 1 is our
      ?Bism?,  ?Casino mhonche Chellyeponnam? etc (JoeGoaUk)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2010 22:28:09 +0530
From: Tony de Sa <>
To:,     "Goa's Premiere Mailing List, Estd 1994"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Request to mailing list Goanet rejected
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Another Saturday, a stormy Saturday in Goa with squally winds accompanied by
rains in the afternoon in Goa. Time for Goanet Intros once again.

Today, it is my pleasure to introduce a prolific blogger and poster, not
only on Goanet but also in most of Goa's dailies, Mr. Arwin Mesquita.

Arwin who hails from Colva in Goa is a Senior Brand Manager at Nautica
Middle East and is resident in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Arwin is professionally well qualified with an MBA under his belt.

An outgoing personality, naturally one finds him socializing when he finds
time away from blogging and posting on the net and bombarding Goa's dailies
about his concerns for Goa. He has addressed his social concerns for Goa by
giving two presentations on (the unique) Goan Identity in the UAE
specifically in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Perhaps his connection with the Jaycee
movement prodded him to go this route. So much is he concerned about the
Goan Identity that he has created a Facebook group (<>
(Please do visit the site and leave a comment) While in the Gulf, Arwin has
not forgotten his village and found time for his village club when he was in
Kuwait - the Colva United Centre where he has held office as treasurer.

His hobbies also include reading and walking and he is deeply interested in
retail, world affairs, business. Arwin, a day has only 24 hours or 86, 400
seconds. Are there enough of them to cover all this activities, besides eat,
sleep and relax? You really are something to cram all these activities in a

A widely traveled man of the world, Arwin has been a globe trotter
literally. He has traveled to the US, UK, France, Italy, Greece, Cyprus,
Austria, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Syria, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman,
Qatar, He has done his schooling up to the Higher Secondary stage in Kuwait.
His extensive travel to the Gulf countries has given him a good grasp of the
Middle East.

When I asked Arwin which country he liked the best, he mentioned Austria and
Czechoslovakia which he singled out for their uniqueness. Surprising? Not at
all, given Arwin's fixation with Uniqueness of Identity.

And before I wind up giving what Arwin thinks is his best post to Goanet,
here is a request to the people I have written to asking you to send in your
self introduction. Please do cooperate with us to introduce you so that your
personality stands out in your letters and the readers appreciate you and
your communications better!

So here goes with Arwin's best post.

*Subject: Respect Our Right to Identity.*

* *

Goans are increasingly opposing Land Sales to Non-Goans. I request Non-Goans
to appreciate our basis. Yes, Goans can buy land in many Indian
states/Western countries. But let's look at this in a bigger perspective;
time globally*; I'll take the UK example, just to drive my point.

I read an impressive column recently in the UAE media by a UK government
minister. It was ref. the new UK immigration laws; highlight was while the
UK has to be fair to other countries, at the same time it needed them,
particularly India in the letter, to respect each nations right to protect
its genuine interests.

We appreciate why the UK/Western Countries i.e.
MainGlobalisation/Democratic Free World drivers
enact controls against non-locals. In UK, non-locals can buy land, but
immigration controls ensure that the UK is not open to all. Those
questioning my views from UAE, please note that although locals here are in
minority there are safeguards e.g. No Expatriate Political Rights, No
Citizenship, Restrictive Real Estate Buying laws etc. to ensure that the UAE
remains with its people.

Each community has limits to which non-locals can buy land/emigrate (with
political rights). Goa has way crossed this limit; beyond which we have to
put safeguards; the current rate will make Goans irrelevant & no community
can accept the same for themselves. I'd argue today that Goans are more
tolerant than most other communities. The REAL ISSUE is that GOA HAS NO
For those quoting the constitution (A) Goa had no influence to framing of
the constitution i.e. India acquisition of Goa much later in 1961 (B) Some
states have special provisions; Goa is also an exception; just because we *
"failed"* to get safeguards in 1961, does not right the wrong (C) The
Constitution is not cast in stone and for just basis, should be modified to
protect the people; from which a democratic constitution should have been
driven; not vice-versa!!

I accept criticism that Goans are to be blamed significantly for the issue
because of our actions/in-actions; but also issues of Land Sales to
Non-Goans & Uncontrolled Migration are significant and need to be addressed
urgently. Goans should support your right to your identity/interests,
likewise please respect our right to the same.

*Arwin Mesquita, Abu Dhabi.*

Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com



Message: 2
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2010 12:36:29 -0500
From: "J. Colaco  < jc>" <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Why double standards?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Frederick Noronha wrote:
Caught you JC, your bias shows! (As does mine!); Those for whom it is
2010 are in the 21st century of the Common Era.
Jewish people are in the year 5771 - Muslims are in their 15th
century. .....Bengali calendar, the Chinese (Year of the Tiger), the
Indian calendar, the Tamil calendar .. the Aztec, Positivist, Soviet
or Buddhist?

jc's response on this quiet and cool Sunday with Hurricane Tomas
having passed to the S and E of us without troubling us.

Hon. and Very Learned Frederick Noronha Sirjee,

What else can I add except that you are the best, smartest, alertest,
most respected person I know.

That having been noted, my answer to your question remains the same.
FAITH is indeed the basis of my belief.

good wishes ....and do remember, "Catching (or Caughting - as some
might say) me is NO great achievement especially for anybody with a
name/surname which starts with an "F"


[1]  < jc> wrote: We are, I believe, in the 21st century.
[2]  <FN> asked: Holy crow! What is the basis for your belief ?

jc's answer: Faith (:-)


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 12:54:34 -0500
From: Goanet News Service <>
Subject: [Goanet] Sea cows, buffaloes enliven folklore
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Sea cows, buffaloes enliven folklore
Paul Fernandes, TNN, Nov 7, 2010, 03.51am IST

PANAJI: Endangered species of sea cows or dugongs (Dugong dugon) are 
seen only in a few places in Indian waters, but fishermen and coastal 
folk in Goa have spun interesting lore around porpoises and dolphins, 
mistaking them for dugongs.

Zoologically called Sirenoid, the playful 'mermaids' are on the verge of 
extinction as they are extensively slaughtered for their meat. 
Incidentally, Dugong meat is considered a delicacy and is believed to 
have curative properties.

With dugong conservation in mind, the union ministry of environment and 
forests (MoEF) recently constituted a task force to draw up a plan for 
their protection. After all, only a few dugongs are seen today, that too 
only in Palk Bay, Gulf of Mannar and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Yet, some Goan villagers have believed for decades that the sea cows 
seen in coastal waters are gade redde (sea buffaloes).

Simon Pereira, a trawler owner, says that the lack of knowledge about 
the species of mammals off the Goan coast is the main problem. "All 
types of dolphins are generalized into one category - gade redde," he 

Known for their playful ways, gade redde hit the surface every now and 
then and gently roll back into the water. "It is a delight to watch them 
as they surf and roll back into the waters without showing much of their 
huge frame," says Edwin Carvalho, a trawler owner.

But Manoj Borkar, a marine zoologist says gade redde could only be 
porpoise being mistaken for sea cows. "Sea cows are presumed to be gade 
redde because the porpoise' silhouette resembles that of a dugong. They 
rise and fall back into the water so fast that one can hardly observe 
them," he says.

There is no authentic report on the range of sea cows seen off the 
state's coastline. "So what we have in fact is a finless porpoise - not 
a sea cow," Borkar stresses.

Agrees additional principal chief conservator of forests, Shashi Kumar, 
"No sightings of dugongs have been reported off the Goan coast." A small 
dugong population exists in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. "There is 
even a creek in Andaman known as Dugong creek," says Kumar.

But Goa's forest department is willing to lend support to the MoEF plan 
of developing a national conservation strategy.

"We will extend cooperation in drawing an action plan," Kumar says. The 
nine-member panel is expected to submit a report in six months, 
recommending an appropriate methodology and institutional framework for 
monitoring sea cows' status and recovering their habitats in India, 
according to the ministry's statement.

While the dugongs' habitats are threatened by pollution, gade redde near 
Goa's coast also face similar problems.

"They (gade redde) were being slaughtered for meat until five or six 
yeas ago in Vasco. The gutters in the fish market were flooded with 
their thick red blood," Borkar says.

A fisherman admits that more than a decade ago gade redde were hunted by 
a few fishermen as their meat, thick and hard, was sought after by some 
consumers. "However, now we have not seen them ever being brought to 
shore," he says.

The traditional and mechanized fishermen are aware about the 
government's conservation rules, Carvalho says. "If we see them in our 
nets, we immediately release them and have instructed our fishermen to 
do likewise," Carvalho, a member of the Goa Fishing Boats Owners' 
Association, says.

Pereira says his trawler crew saw two young gades with milk oozing from 
their mouths about six years ago. "Our crew released them realizing they 
were juveniles," he says.

A forest official opines that it would be advisable to sensitize the 
general public about the importance of marine wildlife before penalizing 

"We have asked the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, western region, whose 
office is based at Mumbai, to educate field-level staff and fishermen 
communities on this matter," the source said.

Pereira agrees that information about marine mammals has to be 
disseminated among people in order to create more awareness.

"All dolphins and porpoise are called gade redde and people don't have 
any knowledge about the species," he says.

Borkar admits that there is a huge lacuna in the understanding of marine 
mammals in this part of the world. "We know little in terms of their 
diversity, their behaviour or even existing species," he says.

As a member of the Goa State Wildlife Advisory Board, he has urged the 
government to constitute a cell for monitoring marine-mammal stranding 
and sightings especially in south Goa.

"Sea cows, porpoises and dolphins, especially the latter two, look alike 
but are different species, though they are misconstrued as one," Borkar 
said. Explaining further, he said they are different in terms of body 
colour, shape, fins, snout, dentition, and even behaviour.

Carvalho says gade redde (porpoise) may have got their nomenclature due 
to their striking dark brown coat. "Their pitch dark hide like buffaloes 
may have earned them that name," he says. In local language, a gado is 
one who is sluggish in behaviour.

In comparison, dolphins are grey skinned and quicker. "Gade (porpoise) 
cannot match the dolphins for speed," says Carvalho. "They (dolphins) 
seem to be gregarious, surfing near the boat and reappearing 50 m away 
within seconds. They also move towards the shore in twos and threes," he 

But Borkar points out that porpoise are less gregarious. "This is an 
indication of the confusion among the fishermen and others," he says.

Baban Ingole, National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) fisheries 
scientist says there is a lack of focused research about the status of 
endangered marine mammals.

"Scientific opinion is more credible and people can be made aware of 
exciting marine life through research findings," he says.


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2010 19:49:58 +0000
From: Gabe Menezes <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Rahul Gandi says there are TWO hindustans!
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On 6 November 2010 11:03, Gabe Menezes <> wrote:

> On 6 November 2010 02:00, U. G. Barad <> wrote:
>> Gabe wrote: The leader of your Country is a white woman, so why are you
>> badgering about 'white women'?
>> My response:
>> I'm not surprised about your stupid messages/responses in Goanet about
>> India
>> - for you have admitted that India is not "your country". If that is so,
>> than you are spending your time writing about Goa and India on Goanet?
>> Instead spend your time showering your beloved white women and improvising
>> English grammar.
>> Indians and Goans are capable of handling their own issues. If you are
>> still
>> interested in Rahul Gandi, read my next message which is sent to Goanet
>> today.
>> Best regards,
>> U. G. Barad
>> RESPONSE: You are a incorrigible; you can take the Goan out of Goa but you
> cannot take Goa out of the Goan.
> Your last sentence confirms your distorted brain i.e. Indians and Goans are
> capable of handling their own issues - then why are you sucking up to the
> Belgian?
> Do you know what you are writing half of the time?  Your next project would
> be to get all Churches in Goa checked out to see if they are built on Hindu
> Temples and to reclaim them?

> Physician heal thyself.
> --
> Gabe Menezes.


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2010 11:57:19 -0800 (PST)
From: George Pinto <>
To: Goanet <>
Subject: [Goanet] Goa's Inquisition
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Gilbert is wrong for the first time. Today he wants to know the names of 2-3 
churches built on Hindu temples in Tiswadi falling for the fake line  that real 
historians have been peddling.  Gilbert, who should be given the Nobel prize 
for History, assumes some Goan Churches were built on temples. As we have come 
to learn Gilbert is infallible, more infallible than the Pope since the Pope 
claims to be infallible when he speaks ex cathedra (on matters of faith). 
Gilbert on the other hand, speaks without error on all subjects, especially 
those featured on the Huffington Post website.

But today, Gilbert has made an error. As Gilbert is well aware:
1. There was no Goan inquisition. Something happened in Bihar between atheists 
and Muslims involving Tamilians and Martians and this has been falsely 
attributed to the Goan inquisition.
2. How can Catholics have been involved with the inquisition when good 
Catholics (like Gilbert) do no wrong? Isn't the Bible wrong when it says  
Catholics commit sins? The inquisition would involve sins. Ergo, no Catholics 
3. As everyone knows, Goan churches sprouted from hybrid seeds planted in the 
ground by missionaries. When the rice harvest was over, there was nothing to 
plant in the ground for some months so these special hybrid seeds were planted. 
Viola! a few months later churches grew everywhere. In fact if you go close 
enough to a Goan church you can smell the land. There is no scent of a Hindu 
temple. Proof once again that no church was built on Hindu temples.

Gilbert, you are forgiven this one error in your lifetime. No apology required.



Message: 6
Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 15:36:16 -0500
From: Tony de Sa <>
Subject: [Goanet] Goanet Intro. #5 - Arwin Mesquita
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Another Saturday, a stormy Saturday in Goa with squally winds 
accompanied by rains in the afternoon in Goa. Time for Goanet Intros 
once again.

Today, it is my pleasure to introduce a prolific blogger and poster, not 
only on Goanet but also in most of Goa's dailies, Mr. Arwin Mesquita.

Arwin who hails from Colva in Goa is a Senior Brand Manager at Nautica 
Middle East and is resident in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Arwin is professionally well qualified with an MBA under his belt.

An outgoing personality, naturally one finds him socializing when he 
finds time away from blogging and posting on the net and bombarding 
Goa's dailies about his concerns for Goa. He has addressed his social 
concerns for Goa by giving two presentations on (the unique) Goan 
Identity in the UAE specifically in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Perhaps his 
connection with the Jaycee movement prodded him to go this route. So 
much is he concerned about the Goan Identity that he has created a 
Facebook group (<>

(Please do visit the site and leave a comment) While in the Gulf, Arwin 
has not forgotten his village and found time for his village club when 
he was in Kuwait - the Colva United Centre where he has held office as 

His hobbies also include reading and walking and he is deeply interested 
in retail, world affairs, business. Arwin, a day has only 24 hours or 
86, 400 seconds. Are there enough of them to cover all this activities, 
besides eat, sleep and relax? You really are something to cram all these 
activities in a day!

A widely traveled man of the world, Arwin has been a globe trotter 
literally. He has traveled to the US, UK, France, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, 
Austria, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Syria, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, 
Oman, Qatar, He has done his schooling up to the Higher Secondary stage 
in Kuwait.

His extensive travel to the Gulf countries has given him a good grasp of 
the Middle East.

When I asked Arwin which country he liked the best, he mentioned Austria 
and Czechoslovakia which he singled out for their uniqueness. 
Surprising? Not at all, given Arwin's fixation with Uniqueness of Identity.

And before I wind up giving what Arwin thinks is his best post to 
Goanet, here is a request to the people I have written to asking you to 
send in your self introduction. Please do cooperate with us to introduce 
you so that your personality stands out in your letters and the readers 
appreciate you and your communications better!

So here goes with Arwin's best post.

*Subject: Respect Our Right to Identity.*

* *

Goans are increasingly opposing Land Sales to Non-Goans. I request 
Non-Goans to appreciate our basis. Yes, Goans can buy land in many 
Indian states/Western countries. But let's look at this in a bigger 
perspective; *this time globally*; I'll take the UK example, just to 
drive my point.

I read an impressive column recently in the UAE media by a UK government 
minister. It was ref. the new UK immigration laws; highlight was while 
the UK has to be fair to other countries, at the same time it needed 
them, particularly India in the letter, to respect each nations right to 
protect its genuine interests.

We appreciate why the UK/Western Countries i.e.Main 
Globalisation/Democratic Free World drivers enact controls against 
non-locals. In UK, non-locals can buy land, but immigration controls 
ensure that the UK is not open to all. Those questioning my views from 
UAE, please note that although locals here are in minority there are 
safeguards e.g. No Expatriate Political Rights, No Citizenship, 
Restrictive Real Estate Buying laws etc. to ensure that the UAE remains 
with its people.

Each community has limits to which non-locals can buy land/emigrate 
(with political rights). Goa has way crossed this limit; beyond which we 
have to put safeguards; the current rate will make Goans irrelevant & no 
community can accept the same for themselves. I'd argue today that Goans 
are more tolerant than most other communities. The REAL ISSUE is that 
local Indians).

For those quoting the constitution (A) Goa had no influence to framing 
of the constitution i.e. India acquisition of Goa much later in 1961 (B) 
Some states have special provisions; Goa is also an exception; just 
because we *"failed"* to get safeguards in 1961, does not right the 
wrong (C) The Constitution is not cast in stone and for just basis, 
should be modified to protect the people; from which a democratic 
constitution should have been driven; not vice-versa!!

I accept criticism that Goans are to be blamed significantly for the 
issue because of our actions/in-actions; but also issues of Land Sales 
to Non-Goans & Uncontrolled Migration are significant and need to be 
addressed urgently. Goans should support your right to your 
identity/interests, likewise please respect our right to the same.

*Arwin Mesquita, Abu Dhabi.*

Tony de Sa.


Message: 7
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2010 21:55:16 +0000 (GMT)
From: JoeGoaUk <>
Subject: [Goanet] Pics and Video ? VANXIM protest Meet- Villain no 1
    is our ?Bism?,  ?Casino mhonche Chellyeponnam? etc
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

:Pics and Video ? VANXIM protest Meet
?Villain no 1 is our ?Bism?,? ?Casino mhonche Chellyeponnam? etc

Ille de Capao
?The lady (I could not gt her name) probably from Vanxim in her
Speech disclosed the names of some of the secret agents of 
Mahendra Gaunekar viz
Philip D?Melo, Manuel Furtado (Panch Member) who said 
Vanxim needed star hotel/tourist spot
Narayan Bhosle, who lives at other place.
Bruno Ferrao who wrote on Vauraddeamcho Ixtt
Saying Vanxim is of no use ?onupyogi?
Fr. Bimark said by selling the land, the church leader
done a great injustices to humanity. Watch video
He also said many priests back him up in his battle 
But none? comes infront to talk in the meeting like this..
He said there is only one religion ?the Earth? ? Watch video
?When our fathers or the religious? leaders? go wrong, we should 
tell them about their wrongs and that religion is? the right religion 
and??the? right approach? -? watch video
Talking about casinos, he said ?Casino mhonghe Chellyeponnam?
(Casino means prostitution).
Seby or Sebastian Rodrigues (GOAMAP)? said during the first 
meeting here at Vanxim he spoke about the Heroes but now he would
?talk about the villains.? 
Villain No. 1 he said ?Archbishop of Goa, Filip Neri Ferrao ? Watch Video

Church accused Vanxim people? being encroachers but he said 
the church itself encroached upon Vanxim
He further explained that Portuguese made? Vanxim as Santa Monica 
and when they left it was handed over to Santa Monica.
Which means the church then become Landlord and the islanders 
become their tenants? and hence encroachers
Adv. Yatish Naik said fighting for Goan Indentify is the third major battle.
Previous two being Opinion Poll and and the fight for Mother 
Tongue Konkani

Watch video

Some pics
The Church fa?ade
The church of Jesus Christ (1956)
a beautiful sunset from a small boat? jetty infront of the church
the above jetty ? abandoned or neglected?
Railing pipes are corroded and are broken
Some houses on the river bank, close to the church (right)
Behind cemetery

the meet with church view
to the left of the church
main raod between the houses, where bikes are seen
the people who occupied the chairs
and some on the fence seen? in the background
the speakers
Sorry, I could get her name
(Margarida Silveira??)
Fr. Bismark Dias
Seby / Sebastian Rodrigues
Adv. Yatish Naik
Note: the background of the most speakers is the main altar of the church
This one
A cross in the river, seen while crossing the river
The cross and the Divar side ferry jetty

with ferryboat at Divar side jetty
opp. Divaaya Resort
The main to Ferry and Divaaya Resort
30 minute wait for ferry at? Divar Sao Pedro Jetty
Could not board the first ferry as it was full up
the video - protest meet

The meet was to start at 4pm but started? around 5pm
Not that many people could be seen.
I would put it around 125 of which only around 
50? occupied the? chairs.
It appears that not all people from Vanxim attended the meet
particularly the nearby Hindu community.
Our short visit to the right of the church, towards river bank.
- we saw some people in their houses.? For a meet like this.
Every one should have attended the meet, particularly all Vanxin islanders.
One speaker said, and said it? twice that he does not know 
the Vanxim scandal in details?
People who don?t know the problem or people who don?t know what 
they are talking, should not be allowed to speak? at all.
More Vanxim pics
Feat of Christ at Vanxim May 2009? -Video
There are no deliberate attempts? made in the reporting to spark
?any sort of controversy.? What you read here is what I saw or
?what I felt ? some of it you see in the video anyway.
I must admit I share the ideology of Fr. Bismark.
We left home at 3.30 and arrived Vanxim at 4.45
Two ferry to take and we were in the Q.
Back at Panjim 7pm, we had a quick dinner at Regos.
Back home at 8.30pm? and from 8.45pm to 2.45am
I was on this case Pics/Video/Report. 
The biryani we had at Rego?s (as if you didn?t believe me )
thank you and good night. 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial? 1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

End of Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1215

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at

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