Like many goans and other sons of the soil who love their organic brews and the distillates thereof you show a true affection for the urak and the resultant fenis. One must be aware that more than a little of this "nectar of the coconut and cashew apple fruits " too often , especially with the 90 to 95 proof strength and the anacardic acid associated with the cashew mash used can prove deletious to your gut linings..........ask the older doctors around your Socorro/Porvorim areas for their views. Besides sometimes the metallic piping used in distilling ( other than the bamboo you spoke of ) may have traces of heavy metals (Cd, Bi,......etc). I personally do not mind an occasional tipple.......... but woul advise against large qties. daily. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Vivian A. DSouza" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa Caju Feni

Very nice article about the preparation of Goa Caju Feni.
I am surrounded by neighbors who distill Caju Feni at home. The equipment used
to distill Urak and Feni in my village is called "Baati" spelt phonetically.
Instead of the juice being put
in a barrel I saw a large clay pot with a bamboo pipe sealed around the top. A
fire is stoked under this clay pot to give out steam which travels along the
bamboo pipe. The bamboo
pipe leads almost horizontally to a clay "kolso" which is sealed at the joint.
With a small
"tambleo" cold water is poured constantly over the clay kolso to cool the steam travelling down the bamboo pipe so it turns into the liquid Urak or Feni. The
whole process looks
primitive, but the end product is heavenly. I was given a real "cotti" of the
first distillate, which
was slightly warm. I must say I was in 7th heaven.
Here's cheers to Goa's Feni !!!

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_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
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