Albert writes:- Every moment of our life we ought to bind ourselves to the 
Father which is the main tree and we are the branches. We have to give glory to 
God and we will receive glory only when He wishes to. In God's kingdom there 
are no kings and no scholars except whom God wishes .Many times we glorify 
ourselves. Many times we crown ourselves and seek earthly glory. Earthly glory 
will cease to exist when the sun goes down .Riches make us acknowledged by 
those born in the earth and will return to the earth but the riches that God 
gives are eternal. We cannot glorify those which has no life. We can crown 
those which cannot move or talk. Our life should be God with us. While we hold 
our hands with God on one side we hold our brother's hand the other side. We 
have to love our brother who has no earthly riches and cannot pay us back. Many 
times we are too friendly with the haves and not bothered to reach our hands to 
those who have not. If you call yourself a christian then follow Jesus nd do 
not condemn those who are with him and for him for if we are with Christ then 
why put barriers ? Nothing on this earth can replace Jesus christ the son of 
true God. The bible cannot be replaced with any other form of item which has 
not come to us from christ. The bible contains words coming down to us from God 
either directly or through prophets. We cannot create history when we are not 
kings. If God is our king then the kingdom of God is best known to God alone 
and not to his saints or angels. Mary the mother of Jesus called God as her 
Lord and so it is our duty to put God on higher pedestal then place Jesus 
closer and imitate Mary as the role model of every human beings. Mary did not 
ask us to pray to her. She will not  do that. She has told us to do the will of 
God and so the will of God stated in Genesis is " Increase and multiple and 
fill the earth. Mary had concern for human beings but we her followers do not 
have any concern for others. We do not care for our parents when they are old. 
We do not care for our spouses and we do not love our own children . Then how 
can we be Mary's bakti ? Do not be "dongis" The dongis are pretending to be 
very holy. They pray like the pharises shaking their whole body as if God is 
sending on them fire from heaven. While we wear white clothes like the earthly 
netas our hearts are full of muck coming from the earth . Greed, hatred, 
jealousy and pride has been blocking our heart that we cannot allow the word of 
God to penetrate into the linnings of our heart. Be born again if your want to 
enter the kingdom of God. Nothing except Jesus can save you and those who try 
to put barriers between christian and christian by placing mother mary as an 
instrument to win your hearts doom to those type of leaders for hell is yours.  

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