Todays Kantar is 'KAXINTLO PAIM' by Joe Rose..courtesy JoeGoaUk

This original song is from Joe Rose LP 'SONGS FROM GOA'
which has 12 songs sung by Joe Rose, Young Chico, Antonette, original Wilmix
Trio (Wilson-Michael-Xavier) and a beautiful song "Paichi Chitt" sung by his son
Luis Rose and Joe Rose.

The music for this album was by the late "Mariano Rodrigues" (from MAPUSA)
who was also the right hand of "Alfred Rose" when AR was recording with live band. Mariano also provided music for many konkani tiatrs n albums, namely for the first
cassette of  WILMIX, Neves Oliveira, etc

The music quality in some of these old records is very good and one can hear
even the faintest beats on cowbells...mostly used in the bands those days...
to those who say  the music quality maybe not so good in mp3's...
I still think there is not much of a difference in mp3 n CD if you keep
a higher bit rate.

Edward Verdes

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