I happened to watch, on  an  obscure  TV channel, a  program  on the 
challenge   in Brazil...... of  the  opposing styles  of  capitalism ( where  
powerful corporations from North America & Europe and other western powers) 
found  a  way to live  with  a  socialistic  way of thinking  that  would  
benefit the poor  and  disadvantaged that  survived  a minimal existence in the 
 favelas of  rich cities  and the  rural areas of  Brazil  ...............being 
 constantly reminded that the nation ,though called  an awakening  giant ,has  
to live  to the  dictates of  the  I.M.F  and the  World. One  realises  that 
the   desire  for  more  profit in the West & Europe  clashed  with the need 
for  survival and  improvement  in developing  countries . 
    There  maybe  a  parallel with  the  State  of  Goa ( one of the  smallest 
states  in the  Indian  republic ) and  the  richer  more populous  and  
industrial states  that  abound around, and to the north and  south of  it. 
While rich  industrial corporations  with  the  help  of  the  Centre  may  
make  a killing on  real  estate developments  and  mining ventures  they  will 
reap the  rewards  to  invest back in  their   home  states..........not  
giving  a  thought  to  how badly damaged they   leave the  state of  Goa 
environmentaly....the  the  NCP   government  in Delhi  will cling  to  power  
closing  their  eyes  to  all  degredation they  cause to other  states (  does 
 " Madam Sonia  give  a   damn  if     tribals  starve  ,  if   lands  grabbed  
from  them  if  it  benifits  the  rich  industrial families  who  are  
Congress supporters ?  )
  Does , for  that  matter,  our  CM   care  as  long  as   his  party , 
supposedly  secular, triumphs at the  next elections.?........so that  various  
NCP  supporting groups   like  the  mine-owner families and the rich supporters 
 are  still there  to  carry on the  pillaging  of  the land, even if  it  
causes pollution of  the  water-table  .
  When  we  goans  awake  to   find  that the  state  is  no  longer a  tourist 
attraction......it  will be  too late.....to  roll back  history and  stop the  
 powerful from leeting  us  sink into  decay.
  Whle  I do not  advocate the saffron supporting BJP party.........i think  we 
 need to  introspect before it`s too late !

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
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