Hi Freddy,

Glad you are back on Goanet.

I really hope we live to see this new era. Goans in Goa and all over the world are grumbling and when you approach them for support, the response is "Oh so-and- so is also trying but you know it's a waste of time". I don't think so. I feel "Never say die".

I'm in Dubai just now for a short stay, and the other day I watched that super movie "Capitalism - a love story". Nothing to do with love, but it shows exactly what happened in USA during the Bush administation. This is exactly what is happening in Goa - the money is only going into the hands of the powers-that-be.at the cost of the environment. We have to somehow wake people out of their lethargy and bring about a change. Everybody may not read Goanet. We might be a small group of committed people, but each of us must pass the message to every Goan we know, in our own friends circle, no matter which part of the world he belongs to and bring about an awareness of what is happening in our beloved state. Many people dont have an idea of the magnitude of the problem We have to have signature campaigns against every new project created in the name of development which will harm the ecology and environment. Very important also, we have to kick these "bhaile" out and make life difficult for them. We have to also influence the locals into understanding that these "bhailes" will take away their jobs and the jobs of their children. We have to do this just now - there's no time to lose. The future is very bleak for us. You take a Goan out of Goa and see how hard he/she works. I wish they would work just as hard in our own state.


_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
_/ http://www.tambdimati.com.

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