Sure, but debatable. With the rate at which migrants overshadow Goans in Goa, 
what future do Goan future generation have in Goa? At least their upbringing in 
the Western Culture make them more acceptable than an Indian. Then also, they 
do not have to face the rampant corruption prevalent in Goa for routine chores. 
No neighbour's gossip, no problems with dignity of labour, and above all, a 
better community attachment and unity.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Arwin Mesquita" <>
To: "Goanet" <>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 12:37 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goan Un-Necessary Migration Mindset

Recently, I saw a BBC documentary on migration touched upon the sizeable
Goan Community in Swindon, UK.

The Documentary showed some UK Goans, making a difficult living via jobs
like carpentry, cleaning, plumbing etc The Irony is that in Goa today, these
very tasks can earn significant income and it’s very difficult to get such
labour in Goa today. Goans are OK to do such jobs outside for a comparable
lesser net savings vs. a good earning opportunity in Goa!! Also a Goan
Origin youth (working on car) commented that he would not have had a good
opportunity in Goa; this might be true for his past generation but surely
not true for the present, when Goans bought up in Goa/India are doing fairly
well in Goa/India itself. There is a clear lack of awareness of the
tremendous opportunities in Goa/India. Yes, Goa has corruption & other
negativity, but the Goan brain drain/migration makes things worse; Many
Goans acquire the best of Global Practices and then do not return or add
value to Goa, but instead migrate forever!! Yes, sometimes migration is
necessary for economic/financial reasons but there is actually so much
un-necessary migration e.g. Gulf Goan Families who could have lived at much
better lifestyles in Goa.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 


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