
My name is Bloeme Bergmann. I am a student of English linguistics and language
acquisition at Leiden University in the Netherlands. For my MA thesis, I am
undertaking a short survey on the status of Konkani in Goa, i.e. when people
speak it, whether any other languages are creeping in, and how much of it is
still understood. I would like to ask you for 5 minutes of your time to fill
out the survey at www.thesistools.com/konkani.

The results cannot be traced back to you, nor will any personal information be
required, other than age, gender and level of education. The data will be used
to write an MA thesis on language shift. It will not be used for any commercial
or governmental purposes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at

Please feel free to forward this email to all your friends, relatives and
colleagues in Goa. I especially need older and younger people to fill out the
survey, to see if there is a generational difference.

Kind regards,

Bloeme Bergmann, BA
The Netherlands

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