Churchill’s Interview On Goamag

I use to like watching Rajat Sharma in “Aap Ki Adalat” taking pot-shots at a number of politicians and bureaucrats and making a mickey of them, it was good entertainment, it would be a relief for every politician when the show ended, as he would corner and target all the politicians but one day I saw the demise of Rajat Sharma when the lion of Maharashtra Babashaib Thackrey was called on his show, I had finished all my chores well in advance and wouldn’t have missed it for the world, I had high regards for Rajat Sharma and the expectations were even more but as the show progressed it was evident that Rajat Sharma had left his balls behind when he took on the mighty Lion and he looked like a mere mouse cornered by the big cat, looking for a way out, that was the last episode of “Aap ki adalat” I ever watched.

I wouldn’t put Goamag’s interview of King Momo of Goa, Churchill Alemao in the same category as that of “Aap ki adalat” but the timidity and the appeasing of Goamag, of the man himself was very much evident and I have to agree with Agnelo Pinheiro on his assumption of the interview, it was not to bring facts in front of the public but a mere publicity stunt to promote the monster of corruption and it is indeed clear that the whole setup was for the benefit of, one of the most corrupt politician in Goa’s history, who is know to buy anyone and everyone who can be used by him, I am very much disappointed with the attitude of some of our Dubai Goans who instead of helping our harassed brethren in Goa are supporting their oppression.

Here are the questions asked to Churchill and my views:

Question 1: Why is politics treated as a dirty subject by the general public ? According to Churchill It’s each ones perception, he most certainly does not see the dirt and the muck because he himself is full of it now and can see no difference. This reminds me of a fisher women who stayed overnight at the house of a woman who sold flowers and complained of the stinking flowers, fishermen will always be okay with the stink of fish around them, I mean no offence to the fishing community.

Question 2: We find political parties engaged in catfights and blame game, why so ? Churchill is right in his answer that he too thought the same before he joined politics. But now since he is part of the catfights and blame game, he has now realized that it’s the name of the game without it one just cannot survive or thrive. How often he has blamed others for all the his ills ? How often has he threatened to over throw governments and has succeeded in becoming CM through the same process. Has anyone forgotten how BJP came into power for the first time in Goa ?

Question 3: You have widespread support among NRI community, whose remittances helped keep our economy buoyant. Are there any plans by your government to help NRI’s retire back to Goa or some special incentives for them ? First point to be noted who said Churchill has widespread support from NRI’s ? Only a few of his boot lickers support him, it looks like Goamag has joined the few. For Churchill Alemao all Goans are special especially those whom he can milk, I was told of a women who is a temporary worker at one of the municipalities, when this lady approached the man to request for permanent status she was asked to pay 3 lakhs. One can imagine if such low job costs such high bribes what about all the top notch jobs ? No wonder “bhailes” are holding all the top positions in Goa. Can Goans afford these exorbitant sums ?

There is another fact staring at the NRI community in the face, if you see the RP, Industries, mining, hotels, casinos have been mentioned as the main contributors to Goa’s economy but unfortunately the remittance of NRI’s is not acknowledged at all, that means NRI’s contribute nothing to Goa’s economy ? Wasn’t Goamag aware of it ? Probably did not want to exposed and upset their new found demigod.

Question 4: There have been reports in the press and on the internet that Churchill Alemao called Goans pigs. How would explain that ? Luizinho was the reply, blame game at it’s best but he agrees he referred it to the NGO’s and the people objecting to maga-projects, did not Goamag know that the NGO’s and activists were niz Goans ? Have any politicians ever excepted the wrong that they have said or done and regretted publicly for hurting the feelings of the people ? They are all liars and he is at the top of the list. It is people like Orlando and Roger that are being targeted by these corrupt politicians and some of the NRG’s are singing paeans of the corrupt politicians. Did Goamag not know that Churchill supported Raheja’s maga-builders because they would employ Goans as watchmen ?

Churchill said that he and his family gave their life for Konkanni ? Did Churchill make the Konkanni movement or the movement made him, so that he could stab Goans in the back ? The warrant from the centre was not because of the Konkanni movement but because he burnt the national flag, his personal misdeed, probably he was ignorant of the implications of his actions. The people who gave their lives for Konkanni have long been forgotten and their families still suffering while Churchill has made himself the Goan “Madhu Khoda”

Question 5: Lately you have been advocating the creation of “Greater Goa” the merger of some Konkanni speaking areas of Karwar. Don’t you think it will take a toll on our Identity ? Do you’ll seriously think Churchill is interested in our Identity ? If he did he wouldn’t have supported mega-builders and miners which bring in the chunk of migrants to Goa, they have already diluted our Identity, we have to fight these corrupt politicians for using them as their vote bank and try to save what’s left of our Identity. Can Churchill tell us, out of the 15 lakh Goans, what is the percentage of actual niz Goans including him and his clan ? It’s Churchill vision and dream to have a greater Goa, Bandodkar too had a similar dream of a greater Maharashtra but it remained just a dream and we Goans remained united to fulfill our dream of our very own Goa. If Churchill wants Konkanni speaking areas together why not those parts of Maharashtra as well ? Well, the Greater Goa vision certainly has a hidden agenda which can be perceived miles away. These corrupt politicians will not come up with anything which will not benefit them one way or the other and this vision of a greater Goa stinks like all his other visions.

Question 6: There have been accusations that your Government is turning a blind eye to the illegal mining activities in the state. What is your take on the mining industry in Goa ? Churchill conveniently eluded the illegal mining question but supported mining saying that nearly 6 lakh Goans depended on mining which is an absolute bull ! Goa’s population is near to 15 lakhs out of which 50% depend on Goa’s fertile lands and fields which mining has destroyed, the water tables have depleted in a big way which is the cause for concern for future generations, air pollutions has laid waste many a lives in the mining belt and Churchill is talking of the money that mining is making for Goa ? What is the percentage that goes into the pockets of the private entities or mine owners and what mere portion goes to the Government. What’s in the underbelly of Goa should belong to all Goans and not to a select few. When Churchill says nearly six lakh depend on mining, how many of them are Goans and how many of them pay taxes to ease the burden on the infrastructure ?

Will a bypass stop illegal mining ? Will it stop air and water pollution ? Will it stop rash driving and fatal accidents ? Shouldn’t Churchill have been asked these question ? Looks like Goamag is only promoting Churchill’s distorted ideologies.

Question 7: Lately you directed PWD engineers to visit Keri and Tiracol to assess the condituion for building a bridge. This has been long overdue and will greatly help the surrounding villages. Are there any more development plans you and your ministry is presently working on for Goa ? What is it that Goa and Goans need most, the answer most certainly will be, twenty four hours running water in our taps and twenty four hours uninterrupted electricity in our homes, is Churchill aware of it ? Do we really need 7 bridges across river Sal ? Do we really need a 8 or a 6 lane highway in Goa ? Churchill is right when he says Goa is a small state and not vast like Maharashtra, at the moment in more than half a kilometer from high tide level in costal Goa, Goans cannot build their houses in their own property, forty five meters goes for a 6-lane NH, in the east we have the mighty western ghats the forest area, prime land is reserved for SEZ and industrial zones and our fields and backyards have been hijacked by builders, where we Goans cannot afford to settle, so what are Goans left with to park their butts ? The man himself said it, “funds are important for development” one must not get fooled, these corrupt politicians are not interested in the wellbeing of Goa or Goans but in the development of their own pockets which seem to be growing bigger than ever.

Question 8: You are a politician who is known to promote Konkanni. Why is it that you promote Tiatrs in particular, in Goa and abroad ? As far as promoting Konkanni, the purpose is served and now Romi lipi is hung and left to dry in varied weather. He sure loves Konkanni and should love Konkanni, thanks to Konkanni he is what he is today. As far as promoting Tiatrs in Goa and abroad is concerned, it’s a game to promote himself and not the Tiatr culture.

Last Question: Is there any special message you would like to give to UAE Goans ? A typical politician’s answer work hard, be successful and come back home ? But what awaits us in Goa, filth, corruption, drugs, crime, lawlessness, degradation of our environment and the same old unethical, selfish politicians and bureaucrats ? unhealthy and unplanned tourism and development ?

Here I would like to ask one question, the story of Churchill and most of the other politicians is similar, from rags to riches. Churchill was from a very poor family, worked on the ship as a cook, left sea life settled in Goa, owned a fleet of fishing boats, and today he is a billionaire, amazing, Isn’t it ? Would he be kind enough to tell us all how his life changed from rags to riches, we ourselves have left Goa and are still struggling to make ends meet, we also would like to know the secret behind, his and the other similar politicians success, so that we can leave this damn place and go back home and become rich like him and his colleagues.

There is another question that was left out conveniently by Goamag, what about Mopa ? Of late has anyone heard Churchill talk about Mopa, initially he was barking like a crazy dog, now the chapter is closed, he must have already got his share of the spoils. Mopa is not a small stake game, it sure goes well over my or your imagination. They know each others weaknesses well and take care of them.

Over all, I am disappointed with Goamag as it is become a tool of the corrupt masters of Goa. I am sure the fiasco at the “San Joao” in Dubai was initiated by this same group, by inviting Churchill while telling us otherwise. There goes one more, falls prey to the trickery and treachery of our corrupt politicians.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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