100 % Pure Wine Making Recipe (Political) 
 1: Water from polluted well and Rivers.....50,000 lt.
2: Politicians and Ministers........................40 each
3: Migrants vote banks, , goons and chamchas (no limit)
4: Miners, Mega-builders and Lands sharks (maximum) 
5: Buyão (container)
Boil polluted water in a large pot. Collect all corrupt Goan 
politicians/ministers and place them in the buyão for fermentation. Pour hot 
water over uneducated politicians who destroyed our beautiful Goa . Add 
minister’s vote bank migrants, their chamchas, and goons to the container and 
stir well until they are dissolved. Add the miners, land sharks and 
mega-builders destroying Goa and place them in very warm, but dark location. 
Stir once a week. Seal with all dirty sins of scams-lock. Let the concoction 
rest for at least………..till we get good Goverment.
Lino B. Dourado

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