
While concluding this posting, I pose few questions which most Indians are
asking in connection with telecom scam: 1) is not PM entrusted by the

constitution to uphold the national interest first? Has he done justice to
this basic requirement? 2) how could he ignore his cabinet minister Raja

choking a public revenue stream? 3) why did he not say NO to Raj and defined
his limits of his arbitrariness 4) why did he allow the CBI to underperform

in investigating telecom scandal? 5) it appears that Manmohan Singh works as
though he is answerable to hidden extra-constitutional force and not to

entire nation? If so, which is that hiding force?

Although answers are self-evident, I expect Marshall Mendonza will answer

In telecom scam, Manmohan Singh is not only guilty of omission but is on the
verge of being accused of complicity.


I am posting a few excerpts from some scandals unearthed during BJP rule.
For the moment I am leaving out the current scams engulfing Yeddyurappa in

Land scam:

‘To its discomfiture, the land records available with the Urban
Development Ministry proved that in the last two years, Sangh Parivar
affiliates were provided prime real estate at throwaway prices in
central locations. According to details available so far, the highest
number of allotments made by the Urban Development Ministry in the
last two years have gone to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and
the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) in the

heart of New Delhi at one-tenth the going market rate.


‘New Delhi: CBI (Central Bureau of Investigations) today (Dec 6, 2004)
registered cases against former BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) President
Bangaru Laxman and Janata Dal (United) leader Jaya Jaitley in the Tehelka
scam naming them as accused. In all, five cases were filed. The FIRs were
filed before the special CBI court under various provisions of Prevention of
Corruption Act and Section 120-B (criminal conspiracy).
In the first case, CBI alleged that former BJP President Bangaru Laxman,
along with his personal staff Uma Maheshwari and one Raju, entered into a
criminal conspiracy and allegedly took bribe with malafide intention, CBI
sources said. Jaya Jaitley, who was the then President of Samata Party, was
booked with the others, including former Major General S P Murgai, Surendran
and Gopal for allegedly taking bribe, the sources said.’

Petrol Pumps:

‘Everything is ‘‘legitimate and objective’’ about this scam, first reported
in The Sunday Express on July 21. In November 2000, to allot petrol pumps
and LPG dealerships, the Government set up Dealer Selection Boards across
the country, each had three members, many had retired judges as chairmen—all
handpicked by Petroleum Minister Ram Naik. Ads were placed, candidates
called for an interview. So ‘objective’ was this method that over half of
the 3,850 allotments until May this year went to BJP workers, their
relatives and Parivar allies. ‘


‘*The  petition estimated that this caused a loss of Rs.1,100 crores
to the exchequer**,* on the basis of the difference in the licence fee
payable to

the government by a fully mobile service provider and a WLL service

*Gravely concerned about the serious illegality and corruption
involved in the case, as well as the lack of action by the authorities
concerned, the

Citizens Forum Against Corruption, through one of its eminent members,
Prashant Bhushan, an advocate in the Supreme Court, requested the CVC,

CBI and the Prime Minister, through separate letters, to initiate
criminal investigations against the persons concerned. The Forum
approached the

Supreme Court after its reminder-letters to these authorities failed
to get any response.’*

*The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) too acknowledged to Frontline the
receipt of the complaint sent by the Forum on May 18, 2005. It was
duly sent to the

Anti-Corruption Unit of the Grievance Redressal Cell of the PMO, where
it has been gathering dust. **‘**

Barad has posed the above questions(refer
I am reproducing the questions having taken the liberty of changing certain
names and replacing them with others for obvious reasons. This is how
Barad’s questions now read:

“While concluding this posting, I pose few questions which most Indians were
asking in connection with the various scams:

 1) was not PM entrusted by the constitution to uphold the national interest
first? Has he done justice to this basic requirement?

 2) how could he ignore his cabinet ministers Pramod Mahajan, Ananth Kumar,
George Fernandes, Ram Naik choking a public revenue stream?

 3) why did he not say NO to Pramod Mahajan, Ram Naik, George Fernandes,
Bangaru Laxman and Ananth Kumar and define the limits of their arbitrariness

 4) why did he allow the CBI to underperform in investigating telecom,
petrol pump, tehelka and land scam scandals?

 5) it appears that Atal Behari Vajpayee worked as though he is answerable
to hidden extra-constitutional force (read RSS) and not to entire nation? If
so, which is that hiding force?

Although answers are self-evident, I expect U G Barad will answer them. “



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