*Mapuca Deanery Youth Day

The Mapusa Deanery Youth day was held St. Jerome’s Church where the total
strength present on the day was 130 youth from various parishes. The
following Parishes participated in this event. St. Jerome Church Youth,
Mapusa. St. Francis Xavier Chapel Parish Youth, Duler. O.L of Flight Church
Youth, Cunchelim .St. Cajetan Church Parish Youth, Bastora.St. Elizabeth
Church Parish Youth, Ucassaim. O.L of Assumption Chapel Parish Youth,
Guirim. O.L of Candelaria Chapel Parish Youth, Porvorim. Holy Family Church
Parish Youth, Porvorim. St. Francisc Xavier Church Parish Youth, Pirna. St.
Diogo Church Parish  Youth, Guirim and O.L of Victory Parish Youth, Revora.

 Assistant Parish Priest of Mapusa Parish - Fr. Adolfo Alvares, the Deanery
Youth Animator welcomed all and the day proceeded with a store of games,
ice-breakers, action songs, group discussion on topics like garbage disposal
problems, youth and world peace, youth and politics, youth and
drug-addiction, youth and the church in the modern world and youth and the
nature. It was an energetic and a fun-loving  programme. Fr. Caetano
Fernandes, Dean of Mapusa Deanery and Chaplain of S.F.X. Chapel, Duler
celebrated the Eucharistic Mass.  Later in the afternoon  there was parish
wise – activity - sharing session.  This session made the youth aware of the
activities conducted and organized by the respective parish youth groups.
 Overall the youth had learning and sharing experience with their fellow
parish groups. Fr. Aldrin D’Costa highlighted this year’s liturgical theme,
the life and struggle of Blessed Joseph Vaz.

Mapusa Deanery Youth Co-ordinator  Sharon Fernandes thanked the Mapusa
Parish Priest Fr. Francisco D’Mello, Fr. Aldrin D’Costa, Fr. Adolfo Alvares,
Fr. Caetano Fernandes and not forgetting the dynamic Mapusa Youth
Association helping them to  organize a wonderful event. She further thanked
Mr. Aldryk Azavedo, President of St. Jerome Parish Youth, Mapusa and Mapusa
Deanery Youth Vice-Coordinator aswell as Miss Avril Fernandes, President of
O.L of Candelaria Chapel, Porvorim and Mapusa Deanery Youth Secretary for
all their support and co-operation.

 Most of our grandfathers often said, “Erasers are made for those who make
mistakes”.  However, Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of our Nation had a
different perception to this quote and believed that “Erasers are made for
those who are willing to correct their mistakes”. On this positive note let
us keep in mind, that we the Youth are future hope of the Church and the
world.  And through virtues and faith in God we can surely “Shine like Stars
in the World”.



Cell no. 9422061766
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in
your years.--

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