Frederick Noronha:

Corruption is not a Congress-versus-BJP debate. Neither is communalism.


I agree with you wholewheartedly that corruption is not restricted to
just the Congress or BJP. It is has become part of the system. Only
labels change depending upon who is in power at the moment. That is
why I said that unless the guilty are prosecuted and punished and
their ill gotten wealth confiscated, nothing much is going to change .
Resignations are a small price to pay for the kind of mind boggling
sums that is siphoned off with depressing regularity. Worse, the size
of the scams seem to increase exponentially. In comparison, Bofors
appears small change.

Interestingly, a few days back I had an animated discussion with a
friend who is a senior lawyer in Delhi on the matter of corruption,
where it will lead us and whether it will ever end. These are his
views. According to him, corruption in a vibrant economy is a positive
indicator. Corruption will always take place where the economy is
growing and it is in fact good for the economy. More and faster
development takes place where there is money to be ’had’. Every
country including the USA and other developed democratic countries
have gone through this phase. The only thing that is required is that
from time to time the scams should be exposed and the guilty punished
to bring about some balance. That is how democracies mature and limits
of tolerance arrived at. I do not know whether you will agree with
this kind of thinking but I found it quite interesting.

On the issue of communalism too, I do not disagree with you. While the
BJP plays hard communalism, the Congress plays soft/ subtle
communalism. That is why there is no ban on the VHP or BD or SS
despite their proven violent activities. But in this game, it is the
minorities and weaker sections who get hurt in the middle. The Sikhs
got hurt in 1984, the muslims got hurt in 2002 and the Christians got
hurt in 2008.The dalits, marginalised and tribals get hurt all year



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