Mr. Correia,

I was looking out for you at the convention. However, in your absence our famous reporters in Q8 did an excellent job in your absence.

They made a great xacuti anee sorpotel following the convention.

You may wish to contact some of your friends if any in Kuwait and they will give you the exact story for which we Goans are very good at.

Thank you for taking the time to write.

Oscar C. Lobo

Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 21:01:17 -0500
From: Eugene Correia

The report from Goaworld is sketchy. Not much is explained on the plans that would benefit the NRIs. It is often better than an independent observer reports on such events. I know goanetters would point out to my own reports on the Toronto convention as "biased", etc. Whatever they think is another matter, but what I wrote is from perspective. Reading the Goaworld report did not tell much about the convention, except that "dignitaries" were present and that Luizinho Faleiro wants Goans to bring in their expertise to Goa. Usual stuff, isn't it?


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