Freddy Fernandes wrote :
 During the Portuguese rule we never had a worry, as law was implemented with 
uniformity and in earnest, but what we have inherited from India in the last 
five decades is the corrupt law of the jungle, which has put the very existence 
of Goans in jeopardy.   India’s wealth was plundered by the British, some 
auctioned and a lot is still decorating the British Monarchy, whereas most of 
the wealth taken by the Portuguese has been returned back to Goa. The British 
and their boats are welcome to India anytime but our so called freedom fighters 
think it’s imprudent for the Portuguese to even cast their shadow over Goa ? 
Why may I ask Mr. Karmali ? For a true authentic freedom fighter, fight for 
freedom does not end with a change in political scenario, true freedom is not 
just victory over imperial colonial rule. True freedom is, freedom from 
religious fanaticism, bigotry, casts, creeds, oppression, slavery, corruption, 
violation of our basic human rights and above all our freedom and our right to 
breathe clean fresh air, drink clean water and eat unadulterated food. Only 
when we attain these we can say we have attained freedom, if not the fight 
should still continue. Our so called freedom fighters are become deaf, dumb and 
blind, they see, hear or speak no evil against their masters, the corrupt 
government or their uncanny assault on our environment, as long as they get 
their dole they are not worried about the future of Goa and Goans. It’s only 
when it comes to the Portuguese names or any interaction with them, that our so 
called freedom fighter babus seem to get their perfectly pleated dhotis into a 
twist, they have somehow made themselves immune to the desecration and the 
decapitation of Goa, and have the audacity to call themselves freedom fighters. 
In Goa very Tom, Dick and Harry claims to be a freedom fighter. If not for they 
dole, Oh Goa, I would envy you ! Few days earlier there was a highly published 
cleansing ceremony by our freedom fighters, in doing so the water of the 
Arabian sea must have been further polluted, if at all cleansing was need, it 
should have been done when our beaches were under the attack of the tar balls. 
It would have indeed been very significant.
Comments  :  Camilo Fernandes
Yes the so called freedom fighters are truly deaf, dumb, blind and silent now 
when Goa is being destroyed.  If they and their supporters are really genuine, 
sincere  and love Goa then they should not dwell in the past, instead of  
protesting and opposing the present corrupt politicians whose only aim is to 
amass wealth at any costs and destroy Goa.   I am sure some of the genuine 
freedom fighters who may now be old are regretting what they did looking at the 
sorry state of our beloved beautiful Goa.   Many so called freedom fighters are 
only in name as many of their family members/relations have chosen to opt for 
Portuguese passports.   How can they object to a friendly visit of a ship from 
Portugal when India and Portugal have diplomatic relationship?  All they did 
was to get some stupid publicity.    Rather than burying their head in the 
earth  to all the destruction taking place in Goa they should come out openly 
protesting against this and not waste their valuable!!! time protesting against 
 trivial matters like  changing Portuguse names, visits from Portugal etc.

 WENZEL D?MELLO, Mapusa has rightly written in the Navhind  (given below)  that 
seeking special status for Goa should be the top priority of all Goans to save 
Goa.  The people should demand from the politicians that one of the best ways 
to save Goa is to seek special staus just as in the hilly states in north east 
India, and I think Sikkim/Darjeeling where their natural beauty is untouched.  
Matheran too as far as I know is protected and no development can take place 
there and even vehicles are banned from entering it to preserve its natural 

Camilo Fernandes
> *Seeking Special Status for Goa
> *THERE are many issues plaguing Goa. Foremost on the minds of the people is
> the garbage problem, then the NH widening programme, corruption, the fast
> depleting natural beauty due to indiscriminate mining, rampant urbanisation,
> etc etc. In all this, the people of Goa and its politicians seem to have
> kept the major issue of seeking special status for Goa on the back burner.
> Like the hilly states In North East India, Goa too needs special status to
> retain its cultural identity and integrity. Goa is first of all a very small
> state and large scale migration from other states is changing the
> demographic identity of Goa rapidly. Besides this, we also have an
> ecological disaster looming on the horizon. If Goa gets special status, many
> of these problems will be resolved and we will be able to at least put a
> stop to some of the problems that we face. We have already attained
> statehood; we have got Konkani as our official language; so what we need now
> is special status for our state. We hope our beautiful Goa, so well-written
> about by Goa?s famous poet Manohar Sardesai?Sobit Mujhe Goi, Sunder Mujhe
> Goi?will not disappear. It is indeed alarming to think that we Goans will
> one day be a minority in our own land. During the next elections make this
> your main demand. Let the politicians promise us this in their manifestos
> and make sure they keep their promise of fighting for special status for our
> state.


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