--- On Wed, 12/1/10, Con Menezes <cmene...@tpg.com.au> wrote:
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dana-ullman/how-scientific->

This article on the Huffington Post political website was posted several months 
ago by Gilbert. At that time this is what I had written:

It looks like Huffington Post has become a full-fledged dishonest 
pseudoscientific operation. How embarrassing that a silly diatribe from a 
publicist and salesman for homeopathy is posted as a serious article 
questioning the scientific nature of modern medicine?

Please see - http://www.mail-archive.com/goanet@lists.goanet.org/msg60565.html

I had also exposed the fact that most of the claims made in the article in 
question were entirely bogus. Here is what I had written:

That his article is a silly diatribe against modern medicine is obvious. 
Despite its title it says nothing about science, and nothing about what is 
meant by scientific. The whole thing is simply a transparent assault on the 
motives and sincerity of doctors, other mainstream medical professionals and 
the medical establishment as a whole. Here are some pertinent quotes:

Despite the truly massive amounts of money that doctors, hospitals and drug 
companies are effectively extracting from patients, employers, insurance 
companies and governments, we are certainly not getting our money's worth.
....Dana Ullman

Although modern physicians may point their collective finger at various 
"alternative" or "natural" treatment modalities as examples of quackery, it is 
conventional medical treatments today that are out-of-this-world expensive, and 
despite real questionable efficacy of their treatments, doctors give patients 
the guise of "science." 
....Dana Ullman

It is clear that because of his self-interest in homeopathy ("an "alternative" 
treatment modality" in his words), all he has is a personal grudge against 
doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, etc. This has nothing to do with 
science. If he cared so much about a discipline being scientific then he would 
have demanded that homeopathic principles and practices be subjected to the 
same rigors of self-critical scientific inquiry as modern medicine is, which he 
has never done. If anything, his idea of science or the state of being 
scientific appears to be exactly the opposite of what it is supposed to be, to 
allow special exemption for homeopathy.

Above all, the fact that his entire case is a sham, fraught with dishonesty, is 
also evident from the fact that he has deliberately falsified or twisted facts 
from the following BMJ Clinical Evidence blog item, which is his principal 
reference in his diatribe:


Here are his false statements:

1. "Eight percent were as likely to be harmful as beneficial"
.....Dana Ullman

The truth from the BMJ blog is 8% represents a "trade-off between benefits and 

2. "46 percent were unknown whether they were efficacious or harmful"
.....Dana Ullman

The truth from the BMJ blog is 49% are of "unknown effectiveness". There is no 
mention of them being harmful in the latter category. Here is how the BMJ blog 
defines this category:

"Unknown effectiveness - For which there are currently insufficient data or 
data of inadequate quality."
....BMJ Clinical Evidence Blog

Please see: http://clinicalevidence.bmj.com/ceweb/about/guide.jsp

To get a sense of what this means, if BMJ Clinical Evidence criteria are 
applied to homeopathy or any other alternative to modern scientific medicine, 
more than 80% of their treatments would fall under the "Unknown effectiveness" 
category, and all of the rest under "Likely to be ineffective" category. Please 
note that BMJ is only considering hard evidence published in peer-reviewed 
medical literature. So testimonials, grandmother's stories and opinion 
editorials do not count.

Please see - http://www.mail-archive.com/goanet@lists.goanet.org/msg60570.html

In addition to the above, I had also refuted another bogus statistical claim in 
the article. Here it is:


Although we are commonly told that we are living longer than ever now,
this is simply a clever, even tricky, use of statistics. The fact of
the matter is that there has been a considerable reduction in deaths
during the first five years of life ... and this reduction in deaths
has resulted primarily from a medicinal agent called "soap," not from
the use of any specific conventional pharmaceutical agent.

Ultimately, an American who was 40 years old in 1900 and an American
who was 40 years old in 1960 has a similar chance of living to 80
years old today.
.......Dana Ullman

Please see: 

Talk about stupid and fraudulent use of statistics. Please note how he
makes claims about the "first five years of life" and the situation
"now", but then turns around and provides massaged statistical facts
for age 40 years and the year 1960.

The truth is that life expectancy at age 40 in 1900 was 68 years . In
2004 it had increased to 79 years. In 1960, when modern medicine had
still not become fully scientific the life expectancy at age 40 had
increased to 72 years. But more importantly given his bogus claims
regarding soap in the first five years of life, the life expectancy at
age 5 years has increased from 58 years in 1900 to 78 years in 2000.

This is important because this progress can be entirely accounted for
by scientific progress in modern medicine. The unscientific garbage of
homeopathy has remained totally stagnant in that time. It is virtually
unchanged since Hahneman.




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