Dear  folk of  our  GoaNet, 
                        Last Sunday ( the  28th of November ) after many years 
of  absence ( about  11 to be  exact) I attended the celebration of the  SFX 
feast   done by  our local  G.O. A. (Goan Overseas  Association ) of  Toronto , 
Canada  and  I  was  pleasantly surprised  by  the  careful  organisation  by 
the  three ladies  who  organised  every detail very lovingly and carefully  .  
From the  numerous  volunteers including  the choir  who sang  old and  loved  
konkani  hymns  during the Mass, including  Fr. Cecil Noronha ,the  celebrant,  
who  in his  usual  humourous  style  exhorted  us  to be  faithful  to  our    
 catholic faith despite  the usual  north american temptations  of  a consumer 
economy, and in these  days of  being  politically  correct which requires  to 
set  aside our   moral beliefs to be  more  accomodating  to the  present  
culture,  and  the  various other  goan  folk  who  gave  of  their time  and  
efforts  to make  this  event  a success, I take my hat off to them !
  I  say  kudos  to  the  Toronto  G.O. A   who  thru ` the  many unsung  folk 
who  take  the  trouble to  keep  our  devotion to  "  amche  Goencho  Saibe " 
, Saint  Francis  Xavier  alive.

  May  our  efforts  to  help in the  canonisation   of  Padre Agnel DeSouza  
and  the  Blessed Jose Vaz  be   looked  at  favourably by the  Vatican  and  
the Lord in Heaven.
                             Joe Lobo

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