The Goan Association of Australia Inc. (GAA), celebrated their annual St. Francis Xavier Feast Mass on 05 December 2010.

The mass was celebrated by the most Reverend Bishop, Peter Elliott. The choir was presented by Joe & Bernadette Fernandes.

The homily will be reproduced in the next Newsletter of GAA. In the meantime, here are few pictures of the church service along with the address

from Oscar C. Lobo at the end of the solemn celebration.


Most Reverend Bishop Peter Elliott,

Mr. Raul Fernandes, President,

Members of the Executive Committee of the Goan Association of Australia Inc,

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls!

Thank you, Your lordship for gracing this occasion with your presence. It has been some time since we last heard mass celebrated by a Bishop. I believe the service was fantastic!

There is one common denominator between Australia and Goa and that is St. Francis Xavier whom we call “Goencho saib” – Lord of Goa. He is a Patron Saint of Oceania, including Australia and patron of Goa.

It was St. Ignatius who said to St. Francis “What will it profit a man to gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul?" A great reminder to many of us in this world that has become a material world leave aside the song “material girl” by Madona!

ST.FRANCIS XAVIER: THE ITINERANT OF GOD: Born in Navarre, Spain, on April 7, 1506. He left Lisbon for India from April 7, 1541, till the day of his death,

December 3, 1552, travelled by sea 38,000 miles and a few thousand by land. It is claimed that St. Francis Xavier spent time (intermittently) in "bangarachem

Goem" (golden Goa). He also made many visits to Bassein in Mumbai and not much is spoken of his visits there. St. Francis had 11 years of missionary work in Asia.

In this period of time, languages was not a science and in most situations was not written; with its grammar defined. Hence learning would have been quite a challenge

Especially for this pioneering European / foreigner trying to master several NON Indo European languages in a very short period of time!

The Catholic Goans venerate St. Francis Xavier every year as he has been responsible for conversion, and the names we carry such as Correia, D’souza,

Fernandes, Marques etc. I take this opportunity to thank our wonderful choir under the Leadership of Joe & Bernadette Fernandes and their team. Our special

thanks to the volunteers and above all a Big Thank you for gracing this occasion.

Those who have booked for lunch please proceed to the hall.

Thank you.

Warm Regards

Oscar C. Lobo
Committee Member
Goan Association of Australia Inc.
Together we can make a difference.
05 December 2010.

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