*Press Note*

*For Favour of Publication*

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*Celebrations of Birth Anniversary of Pai Tiatrist*

The Birth Anniversary of Pai Tiatrist – Joao Agostinho Fernandes will be
celebrated by Tiatr Academy of Goa (TAG) on 14th December 2010 with a full
day programme at the Ravindra Bhavan, Margao.

Joao Agostinho Fernandes is the tallest personality of tiatr stage who
worked tirelessly not only to preserve tiatr but also to develop it in all
its aspects. For his selfless efforts, tiatr lovers of that time
spontaneously called him *“Father of Tiatr”.*

The whole day celebrations will be as follows:

In the morning of 14th December a workshop *‘Boro Tiatr koso borouncho’* i.e
how to write a script of tiatr of good quality is being organized at the
Conference Hall of Ravindra Bhavan, Margao at 10:30 am. Sahitya Academy
Award winner Shri. Pundalik Naik will be the Resource Person and will guide
the tiatr artistes in writing better scripts of dramas.

The main function will begin in the afternoon at 3:30 pm sharp. On this
occasion 10 veteran artistes of tiatr stage will be felicitated. Shri.
Digamber Kamat, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Goa will be the Chief Guest and
honour the tiatr artistes of yester years.    Shri. Titta Pretto, a stalwart
o Konkani tiatr stage will be the Guest of Honour.

The formal function will be followed by staging the tiatr *‘Korta Ti Vatt’*.
The tiatr ‘Korta Ti Vatt’ is written and directed by Avito Fernandes and it
has won the first prize for the 36th yearly Tiatr Festival organized by Kala
Academy Goa.

The programme is open for public. TAG invites all the lovers of tiatr to
attend the Birth Celebration of Pai Tiatrist – Joao Agostinho Fernandes in
large numbers.

*Those interested in attending the workshop, are requested to confirm their
participation through phone nos. 2230738 / 2230739 by 10th December 2010.
The afternoon function is open to public but they are requested to collect
the entry passes from the counter of Ravindra Bhavan, Margao from
11thDecember onwards.

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*Victor de Sa*

Member Secretary

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