Ashley Do Rosario's 'Tuesday Tickles' in the Gomantak Times today had
some interesting things to say about Goa's media under the subtopic
'Radia and the Media'.

Referring to the media -corporate cosy-cosy which have made the
reputations of the likes of Barkha Dutt, Vir Sanghvi and Prabhu Chawla
look pretty dirty, he writes, "The story  is no different here in Goa.
Long before the 'paid news' syndrome came to the fore through the
likes of P. Sainath after the Maharashtra Assembly polls, the print
media in  Goa had already mastered the art in the run-up to the 2007
Assembly elections here. 'News Analyses' (sic) with unknown bylines
dominated the front-page space in most of Goa's dailies then. And
happily playing  ball with their marketing departments were all our
honourable editors. Exept one - Derek Almeida - who then headed the GT
and had gathered tahe courage to tell the bosses 'As long as my name
appears as editor, an ad will be an ad and news will be news.'


Augusto Pinto
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Goa, India
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