Santosh Helekar:

This is not true at all. There is a lot of criticism of Hinduism and Islam
published by respectable outlets in western democracies. Islamophobia is
quite rampant in the U.S. in particular. Here is an article criticizing
Hindus in the New York Times:


I went through the above article. I did not find any criticism of Hinduism
as claimed by Santosh. In fact the article is merely a reporting of the
violence against christians in Kandhamal,Orissa in 2008 by hindutva forces.

IMHO hindutva is an ideology of comparative recent origin, early 20th
century (propounded by Savarkar, Hegdewar & others) whereas Hinduism is a
religion of over 2000 years old. The two are quite different and should not
be considered synonymous although adherents, sympathisers and apologists of
hindutva would like all others to believe so in order to gain acceptance and



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