
I read with keen interest your extract from the book IN QUEST OF FREEDOM by
James Fernandes (Concept Publishing New Delhi).

Prof James Fernandes hails from my village and vaddo in Assonora and was a
close friend of my father. Sometime back during a discussion on the role of
freedom fighters, I had mentioned the name of  Prof James Fernandes.
However, I was not aware that he had written a book on his experiences.
James is a humble and unassuming person and very down to earth. Despite his
unfortunate experiences under the Portuguese, he did not seek nor obtain any
benefits or concessions as a freedom fighter unlike many others. By dint of
hard work, he educated and fended for himself.

It would be of immense benefit to all of us if Frederick or Augusto or
anyone else could interview him and get his views and perspective on life
and state of affairs during Portuguese rule and today and tell us where we
have failed or succeeded.



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