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GOACAN joins consumers worldwide to fight against corruption
The Consumer’s struggle for good quality goods & services in the
market place is an important part of the larger battle against
corruption being fought worldwide, was the message given out
at the GOACAN Awareness Action held in Margao.

The Awareness Action was held as part of its ongoing Consumer
Rights Awareness Fortnight by GOACAN on the occasion of
International Anti-Corruption Day 9th December which has been
promoted worldwide by the United Nations.

Today’s action which had the participation of volunteers of
Consumer Forums highlighted the importance for supporting the
ongoing world wide fight against corruption by consumers in
their daily lives.

During the Awareness Action consumers were reminded that on a
daily basis they use goods and services provided by the Goa Govt.
controlled Departments and Corporations covering a range of
services like water supply, electricity, kerosene, rations, milk,
bus transport, ferry boats, pay toilets, pay parking, roads etc.

While many consumers grumble about the poor quality of service
and about being over charged, few consumers actually file
complaints to make a change in the system so as to improve
service delivery and put a stop to being short changed. The fight
for better services by consumers is in actual fact a fight against
corruption which is the primary cause of  the problems faced
by them.

Similarly consumers were reminded of the goods & services
used daily by them which are provided by the Central Govt.
Departments & Corporations, Public Sector Companies and
those owned by other State Govts. Consumers in Goa use
LPG cylinders, telephones, postal services, banks, railways,
airports etc where sub standard materials are used and part
of the money is being siphoned off to pay bribes to various

Consumers were informed that goods and services are
provided based on Tenders issued to Contractors by these
Govt. Depts. and Corporations and involve corrupt practices
that eventually affect the Consumer’s Right to good quality
products and services.

This awareness activity is being undertaken also by keeping in
mind that the months of December-January being peak tourism
season, has an impact on the quality of services, availability of
products and functioning of the supervisory, vigilance and
redressal mechanisms for consumers in Goa.

Tourists in Goa are also on the receiving end of poor quality goods
& services being provided and at most times they do not file
complaints with the concerned agencies due to which the corrupt
practices being followed carry on unabated.

Volunteers distributed information slips to consumers with
Telephone numbers of the Goa Govt.’s Vigilance Department
which can be contacted on 2422111,  the Anti-Corruption
Branch (ACB) at Altinho, Panjim on 2232733 and the Central
Bureau of Investigation’s (CBI) Anti-Corruption Branch at
Bambolim on 2459971 / 2459972.

Meanwhile GOACAN will carry forward its Anti-Corruption
Awareness Actions as a special focus in 2011 as part of its
Consumer Literacy Campaign activity.
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mail: *goa...@gmail.com* Visit: *http://goacan.blogspot.com

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