The Goan Catholic Casualty
During my schooling years in Kuwait, I was overwhelmed by the Goan Community
or shall I say the Goan Catholic Community via the various functions, tiatrs
etc. I perceived Goa’s Identity as Catholic, but to my gradual realization,
Goan Identity was actually, an amazing cohesion of the Goan Hindu, Catholic
& Muslim entities. I think many Goan Catholics don’t appreciate that the
fact, that Hinduism in particular, has a significant positive
foundation/influence on the Catholic community and both these dominant
religions together, have shaped Goa’s Very Unique Identity; making us
different, from other Indian & Global communities. I think with respect to
Goan Identity, both Goa’s predominant religions, can’t do without the other.
But then, we see divisions amongst these religious communities, to the
effect that most of Goa’s critical identity issues are not addressed, to the
benefit of corrupt politicians & non-goans who (with respect) are taking
increasing control of Goa and making us irrelevant in our own land i.e. the
disunity/suspicion amongst the religious groups are pushing Goans towards
extinction. For instance, despite the fact that a significant amount of
Goans relate to Roman Konkani, this script is being opposed; do Goans prefer
to promote Konkani or to see non-Goan languages i.e. Kannada, Malayalam,
Urdu etc getting increasing prominence via the back door i.e. uncontrolled
migration, migrant vote banks & other factors. Let’s understand that Konkani
(Devanagiri & Roman) will be irrelevant, if Goans become a minority in Goa.

I will address issues in my Catholic community. “Goan Catholics must realize
that the first clear casualty of Goan Identity will be Catholics themselves”
and surely in the long run, it will be all Goans, including the Hindus &
Muslims. We Catholics, will have only ourselves to blame and in my view, are
significantly responsible for Goa’s deteriorating identity, via the
following facts: (A) Short term Gains in land sales to outsiders; many times
unnecessary, (B) Konkani shunned by the so called educated/elite class, (C)
USA, UK, CANADA, AUSTRALIA etc appears to a give a imaginary boost to the
self-esteem of many Catholic Goans; many of those who emigrated then come to
“Hopeless Goa” looking for prospective Grooms/Brides for themselves or their
siblings (D) Most Goan emigrants give various excuses i.e. better life,
education for kids etc; It is the permanent overseas residence (not
temporary) that I am referring to. I appreciate that there are economic
reasons for emigration, but let me pose the following questions (1) Do we
really lack a long term vision, to see that the economic power is shifting
east and so, do Goans really need to go west today? (2) Why can’t well off
Non Resident Goans, use their resources to improve Goa and realize the very
better standards that they use as an excuse to emigrate? (3) What about true
value of material gains vs. the actual social/value losses? (4) Yes, there
are reasons for specific emigration but then, can’t they give back anything
to Goa or have they abandoned the land of their ancestors? (5) Don’t we
appreciate that all developed countries were actually backward but the
residents there “made it happen”; and now with respect, many Goans
(particularly in the Gulf) are migrating to those countries, instead of
trying to develop their home to the desired standards; I think that
together, we can make Goa a world class state. It easy to run away from
problem’s & emigrate; but is this right in the long run? The Goan Diaspora
has the world’s best practices but only a few have/are giving back to Goa. I
believe that most issues causing Goans to emigrate can be resolved, some
immediately, some in a reasonable timeframe and some a bit more time. The
Goan Diaspora can play a key role in the latter with their Global
Skills/Strengths; but will they? Forget about doing something, there are
quite a few in the Goan diaspora will just criticize views/action for Goa so
as to safeguard their immigrant status and to console themselves with the
fact that they were to complacent to speak/act for Goa!!

There are many cultural events & conventions in Canada, Australia, UK, USA
etc surely all these, will not be relevant, if Goan identity is extinguished
in Goa. Sometimes, I think that with the exception of the very few, most of
these events are just socializing opportunities for the Goan Diaspora and
there is actually no serious will, to do anything for Goa. I read somewhere
that Mississauga Canada had the largest concentration of Goans outside Goa;
the Goan source appeared to be very proud of the same, to which I can sadly
say that with the current high rate of permanent Goan migration from Goa,
Mississauga could have the largest Goan Population in the world and that
identity too will gradually wither away, with no distinct Goan majority
homeland, in the near future.

In Politics, we Catholics are slaves to deceitful “Secular Parties” and vote
for “Catholics” irrespective of how much his/her image is tarnished? Many of
our Catholic religious leaders blindly call to vote “Secular Parties”; are
they really secular or are they “wolves in sheep’s clothing” under the
deceitful garb of secularism? How different are these parties vs. the
labeled communal parties. I think parties like the Congress-NCP are doing
more damage & destruction to Goa than say the BJP i.e. (1) Migrant Vote
banks that changing demographics, creating social imbalance/problems &
Manipulating Democracy, (2) Water Contamination, (3) Illegal conversion of
Agricultural land, (4) Facilitating large scale land sales to wealthy
non-goans (5) Un-necessary mega-projects destroying fragile
environment/ecology and again changing demographics (6) Coercion/strong arm
tactics/false police cases to subdue genuine activists fighting for Goa (7)
Deliberately flawed employment policy, for illegitimate monetary gains from
outsiders, which works against Goan employment and forces Goans to leave Goa
etc. I am not lobbying for any particular party but ask Catholics to vote
for the right candidate for Goa. If we really want to back “secular parties”
then let’s DEMAND that they put up good & Untarnished candidates? Else let’s
put up peoples candidates via the Gram Sabhas? It is high time, we Catholics
take a long hard look at ourselves & realise how our actions/non-actions are
destroying Goa & its Identity. Let’s change our mindset else we probably
will deserve, what is to become of us!!

Lastly, there are so many Goan Non-Catholics, who are also very keen to save
Goa & its Identity; so let’s work together towards the common goal.
Pessimists will say all that can’t be done or how nothing will change. IF we
want to truly realize the Goa that we want, then FIRST let’s change this
negative mentality & adopt a “CAN DO” attitude”. Quoting Henry Ford “if you
think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, either way you're

Arwin Mesquita (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. "Rape of Goa" :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. For the Love of Konkani:
6. Goa's Identity Movement website:
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

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