Survival of the Fittest
By Wilmix Wilson Mazarello

A prominent Historian, Journalist & Social Activist from Pune (Maharashtra), Mr. Mahavir Sanglikar has written a very down to earth Article, on the Internet, entitled ‘Roman Script for Indian Languages”.

In this Article. Mr. Sanglikar quotes the Darwin’s “Theory of Survival of the Fittest” and applies it to today’s situation of hundreds of Scripts used to write Languages.

He is of the strong belief, that the Roman Script is the strongest Script in the world today.

The reasons given by him are :-

a) Maximum number of languages in the world today, are written in the Roman Script.

b) Maximum number of people in the world, today, are using the Roman Script, for their writings.

c) Roman Script is the most “Computer–Friendly” Script in the World, today.

d) Most transactions of the World’s Economy, today, happen in the Roman Script.

e) Roman Script has been accepted, by most everyone, as the ‘Script’ for the future generations.

Considering the above, Mr. Sanglikar, applying the Darwin’s Theory, strongly feels that most Languages using any Script, other than the Roman Script, are likely to face extinction, some day.

He further adds, that it is in the best interest of all the languages, to change over to the Roman Script immediately, for their very survival & growth. And, the sooner they do it, the better it is for their language and their people.

Now, we are all aware, that everyone in this world loves his or her language.

So do we here in Goa, love our Mother-Tongue “Konkani’.

And since we really love our Mother-Tongue Konkani, it becomes our bounden duty to ensure it’s safety and guarantee it’s development.

And if we accept this as our responsibility, then it is also a bounden duty of all of us Goan’s to slowly wean-off any dependency on the Devnagari Script, and adopt the Roman Script, in full.

For us Goans, this is nothing new. It does not make us shift from any of our earlier held positions.

Goans always believed that in the present scenario, it is best to adopt the 2-Script formula, viz. Roman Script & the Devnagari Script.

We still believe that, as long as some Goans, however small their number be, continue to want the Devnagari Script, we should respect their feelings and accept the 2-script formula, for Konkani.

However, we should never forget, that ultimately for the love of Konkani, its survival & development we have to adorn it with the only script of the future, ie. the Roman Script.

This, we should have already done by now. We are already late. Every day lost weakens the base of our Konkani and we will have only ourselves to blame for it.

Mr. Mahavir Sanglikar has done a thorough ‘Study’ on the future of languages and it is only after this ‘Study’ that he recommends the usage of the Roman Sript, for all Indian Languages, including Konkani.

He further states, that ‘Scripts’ at best can be described as “clothes” of a language. Script is never the Language.

All languages have, at some time or the other changed their ‘Scripts’ (Clothes).

For example, both Hindi and Marathi, which today are written in the Devnagari Script, were once being written in the “Brahmi” Script.

Subsequently, Hindi was written in the “Kayatthi” Script and Marathi was written in the “Modi” Script.

Hindi was also written in the “Urdu” Script.

The Sanskrit language has been written in the past in many Indian scripts along with “Thai” & “Tibetan” Scripts.

So also, the “Grantha”, “Sharda” and “Siddham” alphabets have been used only for the Sanskrit Language.

Today, Sanskrit is written exclusively in the Roman Script.

Many languages of Africa, South East Asia and Central Asia have already changed over to the Roman Script.

A fine example is the Turkish Language, which for so many years was written in the Arabic Scipt, is now being written only in the Roman Script.

The German language was earlier written in the ‘Kurrent’ or “Fraktur’ Script, is now entirely written in the Roman Script.

Fortunately, for us Goans we already have with us the Roman Script for Konkani.

Shall we accept it as God’s Blessing ? or let the Devils destroy it ?

Think it over, my fellow Goans.


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