Freddy Agnelo Fernandes  wrote :   <>
Subject: [Goanet] Miss Valanka Alemao
Dynamic daughter of the dynamic father, what more do Goans need ? She
is endorsed minister if not the chief minister in the next Goa
Assembly. In Goa to become a minister or a Chief Minister, the
Curriculum Vitae of their quantum of social work or achievements is
irrelevant, every greenhorn with a dynamic father or a dynamic
godfather is enough criteria to be installed a prince or princess in
the Goa Vidhan Sabha. One more piranha to pick off what?s left of the
flesh from the bones of Goa.
Yesterday itself there was Micky?s big birthday bash to show off his
support, if only all this money was used to educate or feed the poor,
a few Goans would have breathed a sigh of relief with a smile on their
faces. Austerity is being professed but not lived upto. What a shame !
All the money spent on the people has to come back to their respective
coffers what better way than to indulge in dirty politics. Our South
Goan corrupt politicians are really living it up at the cost of Goa
and Goans calling themselves man of the masses, and we Goans are
gullible enough to swallow it hook, line and sinker.
Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

Comments :  Camilo Fernandes
After looking at the clip of dynamic daughter!!! Valanka, and the other clip of 
MIcky's birthday bash sent by JoeGoaUK I am wondering whether Goans have become 
gullible or can be outright purchased with money and lavish partying.   Not 
content with looting Goa and on an earlier occasion  Churchill Alemao saying 
that he has given his blood for Goa, he is now grooming his daughter  to 
continue the loot.  Inspite of knowing how he is ruining Goa and giving full 
backing to mining as his family members are involved in it, Goans blindly seem 
to be following this corrupt looter and now want his daughter too to enter the 
fray to continue the  looting and destroying Goa.
In JoeGoaUK's video clip of MIcky/s birthday bash, it is shocking to see such a 
large gathering including some Bollywood celebrities, and even the parish 
priest too at the bash endorsing and praising the great leader and as though he 
is the only one clean politician left  who can save Goa.    I am at a loss as 
to how even Bollywood celebrities could attend this function knowing his 
notorious character.  Looking at the lavish party one starts wondering from 
where does all this money come from.  It looks like nearly  everyone from his 
village and even neighbouring villages came for this celebration (maybe with 
the temptation that there is free booze  which was flowing like water and free 
lavish dinner).  
Strangely Goans who know who are the  politicians/culprits who are destroying 
Goa,  seem to be turning a total blind eye to  these very politicians who are 
corrupt and hell bent on destroying whatever remains of our beloved Goa.   
Instead of encouraging and backing people with clean record, they seem to be 
getting carried away with money, glamour, wining and dining of these 
politicians who are just traitors and praising and electing them.    They seem 
to be condemning them in private, yet partying and celebrating with them.  
History will never forget these rogue politicians who have ruined and raped Goa.
In today's difficult situation where only money seems to be the most important 
factor, few sincere lovers of Goa like Floriano and others are fighting single 
handedly to save Goa and take on the corrupt.  The same is the case of JoeGoaUK 
who too is highlighting all the wrongs that are happening in Goa.  Theirs is a 
gigantic task as today it is money and muscle power that seems to rule.    It 
is high time that Goans open their eyes to the reality and not get carried with 
the pomp and lavish celebrations, empty/false promises  by politicians  and 
wisely do the right thing in ousting these wicked politicians, giving a chance 
to genuine persons who are trying to take on these wicked man made giants.   It 
is Goans themselves who have elected and  made these wicked politicians today's 
 giants.  Now it is upto Goans themselves to throw down these giants.    We 
have to  appreciate and salute those people who are bravely coming forward to 
challenge the corrupt politiicians,  knowing fully well that it is not an easy 
feat to challenge these powerful wicked politicians
Dev borem korum
Camilo Fernandes                                          

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