I guess every immigrant has his/her own expectations and aspirations
prior to arriving in the west. Some are dreamers and others are realists.

The difference between N. America and the countries people immigrate
from is that in N. America the only way to the top is by working smarter.

Those who have understood this, got it.
Those who have not, never will.

Lastly, when I was seven or eight years old, in the 1960's the newspapers 
in Tanzania announced that a satellite would be passing directly overhead 
at 7.00pm one evening and it could be viewed with the naked eye. That 
night everybody was out on their balconies, looking skywards, trying to 
spot the satellite.

That is when I overheard a child asking her dad, "Why would anyone
work if they had a million dollars?" The dad replied, "Honey, when you 
make your first million dollars, you will know the answer."  

That child is now in Toronto. 

A millionaire. 

I know a few other kids I grew up with who are sailing in the same boat.

The possibilities here are endless.


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