re: The Goan Officer, with fine attributes of courage, loyalty,
professionalism and an espirit de corps built himself into an
institution with a reputation for dependability and fair play.  Across
its 344 B&W and full-colour pages, this book celebrates that Goan

Bernado Colaco wrote: Patriotism or just doing a job? Patriots are
those who saved Goa from the "ill fated merger in 67". If not we would
have been Patriots in Action from Sawantwadi! I dont't understand this
outside  people wanting to link Goa to their stories.


jc's response:

My dear Bernado,

I had scripted two responses to your (above quoted) post. Could not
decide which one was more appropriate. So, I thought that I'd probably
post both responses.

RESPONSE [1]  What has gotten (again) into Bernado? Can he not see any
good in the Goans that Valmiki's book is about? Is he one of those
chaps who will now try to 'purify' the Sagres for having entered the
un-purified Arabian Sea? Will he too be lining up to take advantage
(real advantage) of the Fundacao (originally based in his home town)
in order try wangle a phoreign trip?  Why is it that we Goans find it
so difficult to take a balanced,non-prejudicial and non-frothy view of
others who may not share the same political (or other) viewpoint that
we profess or possess?

RESPONSE [2] Now that Bernado has read most of the pages of Valmiki's
book, I am sure that Bernado will write his own book which will list
Goans who did not  possess ' fine attributes of courage, loyalty,
professionalism and an espirit de corps' and did not have 'a
reputation for dependability and fair play'.

On a personal note, like Selma and others, I commend ALL Goan authors
who write well-researched and appropriately referenced books. Writing
a book is an art which few possess and even fewer practice. I have not
yet read Valmiki's book but knowing his flair for writing, I am sure
it is an absolute must for every Goan home. (I'd say the same for
Selma's book).

The well known Goan author and my friend, Ben Antao often laments that
Goans do not support Goan authors. It has been my view that many Goans
rather spend their money on dances, picnics and alcohol (DPA) than on
a book. Could we not spend a few 'escudos' less on DPA and buy ONE
copy of a well-researched and well-referenced book by a Goan author?
PN that I do not and will not recommend that anybody waste One Single
Kavdi or Paisa buying books which are not well-researched (i.e. gas)
or not well-referenced (i.e. plagiarized).

I was in Toronto during Viva Goa a few years ago. I could not help
notice How easy it was for the 'Goa sausages' to be sold-out and how
difficult it was for books to 'move a millimeter'. One particular
author (whose name I will withhold) looked quite forlorn among his
books at his deserted stand. Depressing, as far as I am concerned.

ps: I congratulate Valmiki for his effort (and Frederick for his role
in publishing books). I also wish to congratulate Bernado Colaco, in
advance, for the book he is going to write and publish.

ps 2: What is the difference between dissing Valmiki's book without
even reading it and banning Leo Lawrence's book on Goa?

Bravo Valmiki!

good wishes

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