Celebrations for 50th year of liberation
Today, I suddenly remembered about Mohd. Jinnah, the man responsible
for the division of India, along with Nehru, who, has also been the
chief architect of the prevailing misery in Goa. During my college
days way back in the late 70’s I read about Jinnah who was taken to
court during India’s freedom struggle. The British judge irritated
with his attitude, stubbornness and lack of respect, waving his finger
at Jinnah  said “I see a fool in you” and Jinnah with a bow said “In
that case I must be the mirror”.
Yes indeed ! As our Political elite led by Chief Minister Digambar
Kamat are all waiting for the “gong”, to start off the celebrations of
the so called 50 years of liberation, they have to look within
themselves and see what their conscience reflects in the mirror.
Yes indeed ! In 50 years a lot can be achieved. As shown by the
Japanese, more than a decade ago, Nagasaki and Hiroshima mourned for
their dead and the destruction that was caused by the first two atom
bombs 50 years earlier and within 50 years both these devastated
cities look like any other Japanese cities. What an achievement it has
been ! yes indeed ! There is a vast difference between the Japanese
mantra and the Goan mantra and it espouses the will to do and perform
on the part of the Japanese and our apathy or indifference to do and
It’s been 50 years since the Portuguese left Goans shores, was that
liberation ? No my dear Goans, it wasn’t liberation, it was annexation
by force, India forced it’s self on us, it wasn’t a choice as there
was no referendum like the opinion poll, our Goan leaders fell for
conniving moves of some of the then Indian leaders and inherited their
legacy of corruption and communalism. Goa was never a part of the
Indian union prior to the arrival of the Portuguese, as there was no
Indian union then, there is history to prove it, neither were we part
to the Indian Constitution, so why did Goa become a part of India post
1961 ?
Fifty years of what are our politicians celebrating ? Goa’s freedom
from dictatorship to the subjection to India, victims of their pseudo
secular democracy ?  What has Goa achieved as a result of it’s freedom
? How much has the basic Goan quality of live improved ? Has the basic
situation changed or even improved in any way since 1961 ? At least
prior to 1961, we were Goans in Goa, living in security, today we are
becoming outsiders in our own land, living as insecure as a new born
baby, as a matter of fact we have reversed our time machine to the era
of lawlessness. Goa is being mutilated and disembodied, even more with
every passing year. Why are the promises made by Nehru not fulfilled
even after fifty years ?
It is our culture, customs, traditions, festivals, occupations,
hospitality, our very way of life and above all our language that
establishes our unique identity, which is certainly different from the
rest of India and well respected around the world. The over five
centuries of Portuguese rule had to have it’s effects on the lives of
Goans and that is the reason why Nehru had to promise Goa special
status to safeguard this unique identity.
Over the years due to the non implementation of this promise and the
greed of our own politicians, our unique Goan Identity has been
diluted and continues to dilute further, as Goa becomes a paradise
sought after by the affluent as well as the downtrodden along with
all the most wanted, from all over India and the rest of the world,
flocking down to Goa in hoards with little or no thought at all.
The limited mining legacy left by the Portuguese has been turned into
a free for all orgy, butchering the very innards of Goa, that feed
them, whereas the pristine beaches have been taken over by drug lords,
mafia and pimps. Crime and criminals have been feasting, courtesy of
the politicians-police-criminals nexus.
Looking at the turmoil and chaos in Goa, we do need to look hard
within ourselves, for our part in this degeneration of Goa through our
apathy and our inaction. In truth, it is we who are contributing to
the slow and agonising death of Goa, we should not be celebrating but
infact mourning for the 50 years of corrupt and communal ideologies
that were forced on us through their pseudo secular democracy by
As I see the political elite all decked up for the celebration, I feel
it’s utter shame and disgrace for Goans to celebrate 50 years of this
liberation that isn’t and that never was and will never be. I wonder,
what will our politicians see as a reflection of their conscience in
the mirror ? Epitomes of humanity or a disgrace to mankind ? Goa !
Take your pick

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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