Dear Prof Borges,

What was the first article in the series??

The portion where you write the following interested me:

"After him, the same column in The Goa > Times"  was continued > by
Felix P. da Cruz alias Anand Kristdas. > > Vaz had two otherin famous
Goans as classmates in St. > Xavier's College: > Cancer Specialist Dr.
Ernest Borges and world-famous > journalist Frank > Moraes; they were
referred to as  "Three Musketers" by > their colleagues and >

I know Felix D'Cruz from Ranoi or is it Quitula in Aldona who writes
extensively in the Roman Script.

Is he the same chap??


On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Sebastian Borges <> wrote:
> Dear Augusto,
> Here's the second article in the series.
> Regards.
> borges
> --- On Sun, 19/12/10, Sebastian Borges <> wrote:
>> From: Sebastian Borges <>
>> Subject: Konkani History
>> To:
>> Date: Sunday, 19 December, 2010, 2:15 PM
>> Dear friends,
>> Fausto Da Costa has posted the second part of the series on
>> Goanet.  As promised, the same is being re-posted here.
>> Sebastian Borges
>> >From  the Cradle of Konkani history: 2
>> (by Fausto Da Costa <>)
>> What is Historiography? Does it mean writing about only
>> those things of
>> which one is aware?  It cannot be denied that
>> Historiography involves a lot
>> of research, a meticulous and painstaking exercise to
>> unearth and bring to
>> light facts which may not all be in the public domain.
>> But, in recent
>> years, the term is being interpreted as an effort to write
>> about only those
>> events and happenings one personally knows, only about
>> persons one likes
>> while ignoring those one does not, and generally blow one's
>> own trumpet.  In
>> fact there has been an active attempt to twist history to
>> fit one's own
>> agenda; this is specifically in regard to the history of
>> Konkani language
>> and the Konkani Tiatr.  Let us bear in mind that, in
>> effect, what is today
>> being recorded as history is a falsification of History, a
>> diabolical
>> attempt at suppressio veri suggestio falsi.  When the next
>> generation comes
>> to use this hodgepodge as reference material and bases its
>> writing on this
>> "history" could we blame them?  Have these
>> historiographers pondered over
>> this aspect?
>> Keeping this in mind, we are bringing out a roll of persons
>> who have
>> sincerely contributed to the progress of Konkani and who
>> have been,
>> deliberately or otherwise, ignored or neglected.  We do
>> not rule out the
>> possibility of shortcomings even in this writing of ours.
>> But we are of the
>> firm opinion that facts, in their proper perspective, must
>> be truthfully
>> recorded.  Therefore, we humbly request our knowledgeable
>> readers to point
>> these defects and also provide any additional relevant
>> information, in their
>> possession or knowledge, about these personalities so that
>> proper amends
>> could be made.   Letters/articles in this regard would
>> be much appreciated.
>> (- F.C.)
>> Fr. Casmiro D'Mello (1932 -)
>> Fr. Casmiro D'Mello hailing from Saligao was born in
>> 1932.  After joining
>> the Priesthood, he has served the Archdiocese of Bombay for
>> several decades.
>> He has now retired to his native Saligao.  His love for
>> Konkani language is
>> intense.  He has worked indefatigably to spread this love
>> among the Konkani
>> populace of Bombay.  In the ten years between 1961 and
>> 1971, he officiated
>> as the editor of "Udentichem Nokhetr" when the official
>> editor Fr. Marcelino
>> Remedios (also from Saligao) was away in England.  During
>> this period, he
>> also raised the sales and also the readership of the
>> periodical.
>> As a publisher, he has brought out  several valuable
>> Konkani books at his
>> own cost.  Among these one can count Konkani guru Prof.
>> Joaquim Antonio
>> Fernandes'  "Konknni Nadxastr" and "G?ychem Xetkamot"  as
>> well as the
>> enthusiastic author Edward Guido Souza's (Paitona, Salvador
>> do Mundo)
>> "Vachop Rikamea Vellar."   Many Konkani writers have
>> been helped generously
>> by  Fr. Casmiro to bring their works to light.
>> Besides the  "Udentichem Nokhetr" weekly, Fr. Casmiro
>> has also contributed
>> regularly to other Konkani periodicals like  "Aitarachem
>> Vachop."  "Dor
>> Mhoineachi Rotti,"  "The Goan Review" and "Gulab."
>> Fr.  Alloysius Da Cruz, S.J. 1909-1991
>> Another Jesuit priest who has contributed in some measure
>> to Konkani
>> literature was Fr. Alloysius Da Cruz  who was born on May
>> 4, 1909 in Rannoi
>> ward, Aldona where he was popularly known as Anton. He
>> studied for
>> priesthood at the Rachol Seminary, and on being ordained he
>> joined the
>> Jesuit Society within 8 months. As a Jesuit priest, he
>> worked in the Belgaum
>> Province.  Between 1950-55, he was the Principal of St.
>> Paul's High School,
>> Belgaum. Many Goans who had left Goa at the time of the
>> Inquisition in the
>> Sixteenth century are settled in the Belgaum Province.
>> They spoke pure
>> Konkani; their language was free from any Portuguese
>> influence.  Fr. Da Cruz
>> visited the homes of such people and garnered chaste
>> Konkani words.  Using
>> such words, he later composed hymns.  Some of the hymns
>> composed by him and
>> included in "Gayonancho Jhelo" are   'Somia Jezu Ie Tum
>> Ie', 'Prabhu Jezu',
>> 'Suadik Tujem Nanv', 'Tum Ietai, Tum Ietai', 'Jezu Tujem
>> Nanv', etc.
>> Fr. Da Cruz left for his heavenly abode on July 26, 1991.
>> Philip R Vaz
>> Hailing from Assolna, Salcete, Philip R. Vaz studied at
>> Mater Dei School,
>> Saligao and later joined St. Xavier's College, Bombay.  At
>> the M.A.
>> examination he earned the Gold Medal of the University of
>> Bombay.  He was
>> always proud of the fact that he bagged  the Gold medal
>> after living and
>> studying in the village club; very often he publicly
>> alluded to this fact.
>> He occupied  high positions in several departments of the
>> Government of
>> Bombay ending his career as Joint Secretary in the
>> Government of
>> Maharashtra.
>> In his free time, Vaz would write articles in Konkani.
>> Through his regular
>> column "Zag Porjemodem" in "The Goa Times" he would air the
>> problems faced
>> by the people.  After him, the same column in "The Goa
>> Times"  was continued
>> by Felix P. da Cruz alias Anand Kristdas.
>> Vaz had two other famous Goans as classmates in St.
>> Xavier's College:
>> Cancer Specialist Dr. Ernest Borges and world-famous
>> journalist Frank
>> Moraes; they were referred to as  "Three Musketers" by
>> their colleagues and
>> teachers.
>> Sebastian Borges


Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
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P 0832-2470336
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