Santosh and Carmen are right. History should be only at the back of our minds 
so that we do not repeat past mistakes. Obvious that politicians would try to 
divert public attention from governance issues (affecting them) to 
the sentimental issues (not affecting them). Penny wise pound foolish people 
immediately latch on to sentimental issues forgetting that they cannot buy 
onions for their children. Those initiating such issues are playing 
(inadvertently or by design) as agents of the politicians. Beware! Jage jayat! 
Tome Muito Cuidado! 

Santosh's wrote:  The problems that Goa faces today have nothing to 
do with India or the Portuguese. They have nothing to do with invasion, 
colonialism,  liberation, independence, freedom fighters, democracy, 
religion, intellectuals or lack thereof. The blame lies entirely with 
the people   of Goa. It boils down to basic honesty, integrity, concern 
for fellow human beings, and respect for our heritage and natural 
environment,  all attributes that reside within the individual.  Those 
who are blaming others and finding excuses of one sort or another are 
themselves part of the problem in the first place. "

Carnen wrote: I think Santosh is right up to a point,  because one cannot 
dismiss the influence of historical events which in turn trigger all 
kinds of social, economic and political developments which can be 
overcome if well and intelligently managed with strong leadership with 
vision. Goa's tragedy is the fact that  the quality of leadership and 
politicians that came to power in Goa after 1961 was bad and became 
gradually worse. How much lower this leadership will sink, entirely 
depends on people in Goa.

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