GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)®    

Tumcam Maie-mogacho ieukar. Enjoy Life - This is not a rehearsal! Konkani uloi, 
boroi, vach ani samball - sodankal. Hich Goenchi osmitai ani amchem 
khalxelponn. Goenchi amchi Konkani bhas! Ekvottachem saddon Goenkaranchem.

Stay tuned to Gulf Goans e-Newsletter - everyday someone, somewhere learns a 

  Wish You All A Merry Christmas
We would 
Like to put 
Up a tree in our 
Hearts, and instead 
Of hanging presents, 
we would like to put the 
Names of all our friends. 
Close friends and not so close 
Friends. The old friends, the new 
Friends. Those that we see every day 
And the ones that we rarely see. The ones 
That we always remember and the ones that 
We sometimes forget. The ones that are always 
There and the ones that seldom are. The friends of 
Difficult times and the ones of happy times. Friends 
Who, without meaning to, we have hurt, or without meaning 
To have hurt us. Those that we know well and those we only know 
By name. Those that owe us little and those that we owe so much. 
Our humble friends and our important friends. The names of all those 
That have passed through our lives no matter how fleetingly. A tree with Very 
deep roots and very long 
And strong branches so that 
Their names may never be 
Plucked from our hearts. So 
That new names from all 
Over may join the existing ones. A tree with a very 
Pleasant shade so that our friendship may take a 
Moment of rest from the battles of life. "May the 
Happy moments of Christmas brighten every day of 
The new year". These are our sincere wishes.
Khuxealborit Natalam ani Dadosborit Novem Voros 2011.
Ulysses Menezes, Gaspar Almeida, Lino B. Dourado, Gaspar Crasto, 
and the Team 
(based in Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, UAE, The Bahamas, India, EU & USA),
Moderators of Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter (since 1994)
The Goan Forum & Affiliated e-forums 



The Only Online Konkani Music Presented to you by Ulysses Menezes 
& Moderated by Gaspar Almeida, since 1994 

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