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Talking of Indians spitting on walls and in public places, Goans have a
problem too.


Just the other day Goanet moderator Bosco and I were briefly discussing
about him getting Valmiki's book for distribution to a few interested people
in Toronto. We were in accord with Goans not patronizing Goan authors of
even well written books when that meant reaching into your pockets for a few


Just a few days later, I experienced the following:


A certain Goan had heard good reviews of Selma's book and in conversation
with me was distinctly but indirectly fishing for my copy to be lent to him.
When he saw that I was not forthcoming with it, he quietly stopped the
hints. At a Christmas party, I happened to meet this individual and he was
raving about the book and liberally quoting from it. He then said "They want
to sell the book here for $20, but when I went to Goa I bought it for Rs


He did not mention about the inconvenience of carrying it in his baggage
when he could have very well carried a pound of sausages in its place. 


Now I know this individual well. He is a person of means and otherwise not
tight-fisted at all, but in the realm of buying a Goan author's book, he
thought the world of saving some coin. Phew, what an attitude. If this were
a rarity, I would have not have cared. But it is all too common in the Goan
community and that I think is only a step above the Indian trait of spitting
in public.


Little consolation this.






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