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 Rajan P. Parrikar <parri...@yahoo.com> wrote: Gee, Ms D'Mello, you
must have acquired a new telephoto lens!  I thought that not long ago
I was the only one with a telephoto lens going around "exaggerating"
the rampant construction taking place all over Goa (vide Admin
Noronha's copious droppings here).


Dear Mr. Parrikar,

May I advise you that both you and Mrs. Noronha (nee D'Mello) have got it wrong?

Those concrete structures were always there. (They were meant to be
quarters for NATOE trups; the Purtuguez were planning to sell Goa to
Natoe. That is why intervened)

It is just the the developers have cleared the unsightly forests that
now we are able to see the majestic concrete creations.

So please, please check with Admin's Weak-e-pedia before you cast such
aspersions on our Admin-Noronha.


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