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What I object to most strongly is the stereotyping of Indians as "Filthy".

Today, in Mapusa, I saw a white - meaning ethnic Caucasian - and he was
filthy as ever, dressed in dirty clothes, hair clearly unwashed for ages,
skin full of accumulated dirt.

People in Europe do not bathe for long periods of time. I have first hand
accounts of this.

Could I stereotype all Caucasians as filthy on the basis of this?

Again another question, the critics on this forum who say Indians are filthy
aren't they themselves Indians by birth? I can hear a voices from afar
saying but I am Goan. Please, Sir/ Madam, do a DNA check. Go to an
anthropologist/ Geneticist/ Genealogist or who ever and confirm whether you
are Indo-Aryan or Dravidian. No but I can hear protests - "We are Canadian,
Australian, American, British, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish, Kenyan,
....." True, agreed. But you are one or the other of these by virtue of
Nationality. Disabuse your self from the notion that you are the genuine 24
carat thing. Nationality is a mere piece of paper, a certificate conferring
certain rights and restrictions on you. Fact is that you are  a plain Indian
(Indo Aryan or Dravidian)  descended from a Hindu lineage unless of course
there was a swashbuckling Caucasian down the line who did the trick.

Are those who say that 'Goans' (pre '61 or otherwise} are different  from
"Indians' implying that Goans have a different ancestry?

If you are prepared to say that WE Indians are filthy, dirty, corrupt,
irreverent, immoral, .... ad nauseam, then let us rock and roll and get down
to brass tacks and work out practical solutions to the problem of filth,
squalor, ignorance, poverty and whatever ills plague society at large.

While non resident Goans are free to express opinions, I do not take kindly
to their sermonizing. Yes things are different here, mindsets are different
from those in your adopted countries. As Roland said earlier, taking a
positive attitude and doing something to bring about change will do the
trick,  So you live abroad, and you feel concerned about your mother land,
then don't just blow hot air. Do something about it.

Thank God for the Mother Theresas, The Fr. Lyons, The George Pintos of this


Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com


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