                   **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                      Goa Sudharop Annual Awards
                   January 5, 2011 - 3:45 - 6:30pm
                      Hotel Mandovi, Panaji, Goa

             Details at:     http://bit.ly/GoaSudharop2011


Cecil wrote:
A few months back Prof. Nandakumar Kamat said that Souza Lobo's
restaurant in Calangute ignored him and gave some tables to

This has also been my experience at Souza Lobo's where we were not attended by any waiter for almost half an hour while they only served the foreigners all around us. It was an indirect message that we leave. We watched very carefully and purposely stuck on at the tables and refused to budge. They finally had to attend to us as we were ready to take the struggle against discrimination further.



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