Hello J C !
This is a 'Great Piece'!

Actually the Whole (Or HOLE?) of India needs to be purified. I think and fear 
that China will do the trick, and we will have 'Chow chow' for Divali, Dushera, 
Christmas and at Id times.

U have out done our famous Cecil into this type of humour. Cecil may try and 
sue you for damages?

Nascy Caldeira

--- On Wed, 5/1/11, J. Colaco < jc> <cola...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão wrote:
> [1] If what Nandakumar claims is true, we will have bigger
> international sharks coming to the North.
> [2] But if what he claims it found to be bulls#*t, then he
> can always claim
> that NRP Sagres sabotaged it and turned it to ash. Or blame
> the Indian
> tourist for depositing their ‘gold’ on the banks every
> morning.
> I just checked with the Manager of the Banco Ultrafarino in
> Lisbon. He
> advised me that he checked and rechecked with the
> Bhaji-Palla department of
> Gova Mahavidhyalaya in Dhabli (near Sainik nagar). His
> information is that
> when (i.e. on December 3, 1961) the Purtuguez got the
> information that Goa
> would be invaded (a week before the Anjediva staged farar
> far tiatr), the
> then Bank Manager "Agente Solteiro" got a number of his
> closest friends
> (colloquially now known in Goa as "Jigri Dosth") and hid
> the gold in North
> Goa. This was part of the "stolen gold" (remember?) that
> the Goan patracars
> have been reminding us - every mid December, save the past
> few..
> The story is that the Sagres was sent to Goa to recapture
> that gold.
> "What we will do without Gold?" pondered our valiant
> heroes. "How will Goans
> make "mudi" and "mangal sutra" without gold? Those things
> cannot be
> 'opphisially' made out of patra, Can it?
> Not wanting to take any chances, our valiant Batman and
> Robin duo sailed
> bravely into the Arabian Sea, drove away the Sagresistas
> and liberated the
> Arabian Sea. They blessed it and named it Sonamudra. (Sona
> = gold) (Mudra
> from Samudra) (Samudra = Sea)
> Well done Batman and Robin.
> jc


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