On 11 January 2011 14:54, Frederick Noronha <fredericknoro...@gmail.com>

> Gabe, apparently there's quarter-life and mid-life crises. So why not
> three-quarter too?
> And I was referring to some of those spamster guys you are threating
> to drown in porn. Sometimes I suspect that we vent our frustrations in
> cyberspace.
> PS: How come you haven't turned into a grumpy old man, as the rest of
> us apparently already have :-)

RESPONSE: You are soo kind! I thought about the porn bit, a wee bit too
late, after I had hit the send button - we do that all the time don't we?
Yes, you are right some of them might enjoy the stuff - strange collection
of a cackle of geese - there's a gay pretty boy, some who have just found
the keyboard and some 'noteworthy' official from down under, who wants to
separate the chaff from the wheat...I say go ahead and throw the chaff (me)
out. Thank you very much senhor!

I am getting long in the tooth, can't fight them all; as far as Goan
Politicians go, I am increasingly thinking, if you can't beat them join

With all the vitriol by the VHP/RSS, can any one blame our Christaos for
electing the same at every hustings? Seems to be better the Devil you know.
The saying goes if it ain't broke don't fix it!


Gabe Menezes.

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