[1] JoeGoaUK says: "Well, going by various pros and cons, it appears
that 'alcohol' is the main culprit."

[2] Soter's comment: Poor understanding of the alcohol disease. Police
feel they can make the alcoholic straight by scaring the shit out of


It matters little, I believe, what/who was the "main culprit". What
matters is IF the police assaulted Cipriano.

Allow me to provide you with an example: If two gundas are fighting it
out on the street and, in the midst of their fight, one of them
(Ladrao) unintentionally knock down an elderly woman and she develops
a skull fracture which was missed by the doctors ....and she dies.

Will Ladrao not be 'culpable' for the death of this lady? (The
doctors' negligence having been noted and hopefully punished).

If your answer is NO, please look up the "Thin Skull"  or "‘Take Your
Victim As You Find Them" principle.

If your answer is YES, please advise why the Goa Police should not be culpable.

I can understand the predicament of the forensic chaps. But all they
are required to do in this case is identify the CAUSE of death. They
are not there to speculate. The case law is quite clear - IF the
police assaulted Cipriano.

If the forensic chaps are not sure, they should seek a second opinion.

BUT, theirs is not the role of exonerating the police. Just present
the facts, chaps ....and let the courts decide. (Whatever your opinion
of the courts).

BTW: It is quite inappropriate and stupidly sensational to use the
subject title "Who killed Cipriano?" unless somebody knows that
Cipriano was "killed".

The appropriate subject title would be "What caused Cipriano to die?"

Then, one can start the business of culpability.


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