
     The religionist is a specialist in the after-life reward, said the wag
from Ponda.

     Thus spoke Guru. After which, I started to think about dear Mother
Theresa. Would she have worked as hard or worked at all if there was no
after-life reward? She went all over the world asking for money to do God's
work. She often received large amounts of money from crooks and unsavory
characters and politicians who wanted to have their picture taken with her
or to enhance their image and career. All this is well documented and easy
to look up.

     I ask, was it right because it was for God's work? How many people
suffered immeasurably at the hands of the crooks and criminals who gave
tainted money which Mother Theresa accepted? I guess this question never
crossed her mind, eh?

     Mother Theresa was a typical religionist. She supported the status quo.
She decided that charity was much more important than the fight for justice.
It was, no doubt, a safer decision and a good strategy as she also could
score points in Heaven, at least that is what the Roman Catholic Church
teaches - for good works done in this world, you will receive a reward in
the next. So, what motivated her?

     Never forget, at the heart of the religionist is the after-life reward,
says Guru! Business as usual, in the spiritual world, too?

     She received enormous publicity, mostly from the Western press, and a
lot of respectability, eventually winning the Nobel Peace Prize! She was
really a great social worker, as are thousands and thousands of social
workers in Bengal who never did get the recognition they deserved - there
can be only one media star. What fun!

     Christians like to think that they invented love, as Americans like to
think they invented freedom. Did love not exist before Jesus Christ, and was
there no freedom before the birth of the USA? What fun!

     Never forget, at the heart of the religionist is the after-life reward,
says Guru!

      What is shocking are Mother Theresa's words. She said that she never
saw the sick man or woman in her arms but Jesus Christ! Now, this is
insanity, this is not love. Whatever it is she felt, ideological
conditioning or whatever, it wasn't love! A loving and compassionate person
would have seen the suffering man or woman and not Jesus Christ. By this
logic, a Roman Catholic who is more loving and compassionate than Mother
Theresa should be able to see Jesus Christ everywhere, including the Mandovi
Bridge. I cannot accept this nonsense. If it is a different kind of madness
from someone who does harm to someone else, I can accept it. But it is
madness all the same! Here is a classic case of a psychologically divided
person. Poor Mother Theresa or is it poor Saint Mother Theresa? There are
numerous examples of Roman Catholic saints who have made all kinds of
neurotic claims and statements all through history - psychologically divided
people who were more in need of a doctor than sainthood.

     The Pope is the most famous religionist in the world. He is the head of
a billion dollar organization known more commonly as the Roman Catholic
Church,  which is one of the leading landholders of the twenty-first
century. They represent the status quo. He and his priests encourage
charitable works while paying lip-service to the cause of justice. Whenever,
however, it is a case of Roman Catholics not getting justice, then of course
they raise hell. But what can we expect from a Church that will not allow
its own Roman Catholic women to become priests, but is willing to spend
millions and millions in hush-hush money to save homosexual priests who
have  abused underage boys? All this information, of course, is well
documented and soon can be at your fingertips! Hypocrisy and more hypocrisy!

     How do priests of other religions control their believers? Would the
three or four Hindus on Goanet care to comment on their religion? There are
no Muslims, I guess. So, what we have on Goanet is the choice of looking at
the vastness of existence only through the Roman Catholic window? What fun!
I hope you are enjoying yourselves ... because I am!

    Every Sunday the religionist Pope and thousands and thousands of his
priests all over the world claim the host and wine is the body and blood of
Jesus Christ! This is fraud. Is it legal? Are Ralph Nader and his consumer
activists aware of this? While it is true they don't charge for the
show, itis still fraud, isn't it? Maybe it is a subliminal advertising
Oh, and they do pass the collection box around every Sunday, don't they?

     Is this trickery or simply a ritual no one in his right mind actually
believes in, not even the priest?

     The priests use guilt and greed for the after-life. If fed a weekly
dose from infancy it is not easy to escape this poison as it has entered
into the deepest part of our being, and even though intellectually it may be
possible to be expunged, the emotions run in one way and the intellect in
another, and of course, the legs remain paralytic.

    But, greed is greed. And, if you agree with me, then the priests use the
ultimate threat, everlasting hellfire.

Best wishes,

Joao Barros-Pereira

aka the anti-Christ!

Have a nice Sunday!

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