Vo Goran, Vo Goenkarano,
What a treasure trove of ideas and concepts for the Goan artist courtesy of
Floriano Lobo. Hopefully these treasures will be embraced, of course
allegorically by our artists. Especially suitable for printmaking. Suas
dorun raboya. Vishwasui!

Btw, etymologically the word "etiquette" means "ticket." This must be a
first--no etiquette--no ticket. Kon konnachi kampin vazoita.

Yeah baby, Radha kiteak gorem ani hanv kiteak kall'lo.

venantius j pinto

Message: 4
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2011 21:53:09 +0530
From: "floriano" <floriano.l...@gmail.com>
Subject: [Goanet] Ramblings - Goa Democratic Front
(DEL) Dayanand Narvekar is not getting the Congress Ticket this time over.
Sonia Auntie must be terribly displeased.

Who else could this former molester, inventor of  a refrigerator that could
freeze currency notes, blackmailer, double-crosser, tickets-gate scamster
and in general a viper, who, having cast his womanizing spell on our good,
thinking, rational, Goan housewives, reduced them to zombies, going in
circles catching their own shadows.... get behind to project himself in the
avatar of the Goa Democratic Front   THAN the gullible  'educated but
servile punk'  such as  Professor  D'Lima???

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