MONDAY MUSE (31 January 2011)


‘Speak through Action’ – Rajan Babu, 2006 National President, JCI India.

Last weekend, my close friend and creative trainer, Vividh Pawaskar and yours 
truly went to Kholapur. We had gone there at the invitation of my friend, 
Anirudh Borkar who leads the Rotaract District 3170. Ani had persuaded me (as 
only he can) to conduct an early morning outbound as well as a hall based 
session at his Conference.

On Sunday morning, as breakfast was delayed, we moved to the main Hall. Some 
eager delegates were getting themselves clicked against the imposing backdrop. 
Save for one who asked Vividh to click a few photographs, the others moved 
around in stunning silence. It took us a while to realise that we were in midst 
of 25 extraordinary persons who had moved beyond the constraints of being deaf 
and mute. 

We learnt much in our interactions with them. While delegates with cars were 
yet to reach the venue, these chaps had walked a sizeable distance so that they 
could be there before time. They displayed high self esteem and were making the 
most of the conference experience. Their awesome attitude was seen in their 
expressive gestures as well as in their actions aligned with discipline, 
dedication and togetherness.

Now we had to be better at effectively connecting to our 25 new friends and 
others like us. We had to be better at communicating concurrently in words as 
well as silence. After all, it is only in silence that we become better at 
empathetic listening and critical observing. After all, it is only in silence 
that we truly become focussed and effective in our expression. After all, it is 
said so well that silence is golden!

The world of silence is truly empowering
to BE BETTER at simple communicating!

- Pravin K. Sabnis 


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