Thanks! Found the answer via a Google Doc<>

It says:

Sowing and Germination

Germination is epigeal i.e. the cotyledons emerge
above ground. The seeds are sown horizontally with
the hilum downwards and placed under shade during
germination. As substrate can be used sand or a mix
sand and soil (1:1). Seed may also be sown directly
in polybags. Germination starts after 1-2 weeks. The
seedling can be transplanted when the cotyledons
have developed completely. The seedling is ready to
be planted out when they have developed at least four
leaves or at the age of one year. The species is sensi-
tive to damping off infections and soil sterilisation is
sometimes necessary.

Vegetative Propagation

Vegetative propagation e.g. by nodal cutting (length
20-25 cm, diameter 2-5 mm) dipped with Rootone-F
and planted in sand. The cuttings will start rooting after
2-2,5 month with more than 50% rooting success.

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

On 5 February 2011 13:15, JoeGoaUk <> wrote:

> thanks FN,
> you mean this ada follam (adao follam)"
> quote
> [Goanet] Planting the adao...Frederick Noronha fredericknoronha1 at
> Fri Feb 4 23:34:05 PST 2011
> Any idea how I plant the adao tree from the seed. There were once many in
> Goa, now just a few. It's still possible to buy the fruit outside the
> much-mentioned Cafe Prakash:
> []
> for Goa & NRI related info...
> For Goan Video Clips
> In Goa, Dial  1 0 8
> For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

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