4th February  2011

COMMUNICARE in co-operation with the Universidade de Aveiro, is undertaking the cataloguing of all books connected with the history of Goa, rest of India and the Orient, relating to Portugal. This will involve bibliographic and location referencing. To proceed with this enormous work, a resource person from the University of Aveiro, Ms. Maria Lurdes Gonsalves, came to Goa and trained members of COMMUNICARE as well as staff of the Central Library in Panjim, for 9 days in April 2009. The software and hardware needed for this project was also provided by the University.

The Objectives of this project are as follows:

1) To safeguard the references of history, culture and literature of countries in relation with Portugal. People having private libraries may have some books that may not even be available in the Central Library or Xavier Institute of Research. Quite often, when books have been read, they either are loaned or borrowed to friends and acquaintances. Most of these times, the books do not return to the owner they just disappear and a whole treasure of information is thus lost;

2) The climatic condition in Goa is not conducive to books. We often see precious books being given away to the 'radhiwala' as scrap, because of the damaged condition of the books. Again, a whole treasure of information is lost;

3) Some institutes which have rare collections, keep them solely for reference.

4) By compiling bibliographic data and eventually at a later stage, digitalizing of books which are out of print, the 'cataloging project' will enhance researchers all over the world, who require references in connection with the history, culture, literature of a country in relation with Portugal.

Should a researcher require a book which is, for example, in your private library, then he could request the co-ordinating institute to organize a xerox of the same, for a price, provided the copyright rule is not violated.

COMMUNICARE is trying to find such private library.

We need you help. If you have a library or you have friends and family who have, please get back to us.

A COMMUNICARE member will come to your library with a laptop. No books will be taken out of your library. All the input is to be done under your roof. The same person will come to catalogue your books. He will co-ordinate the days and time as per your convenience.

We would be most grateful if you could assist us in this venture of preserving the written history, culture, literature of our state.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Nalini Elvino de Sousa

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